Categories: Entertainment

Is The Fallen Boy a good movie? Viewers are missing out on the action-comedy starring Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt – Actus Ciné

In the project after 2010, the adaptation of the TV series “L’Homme qui tombe à pic” finally took on concrete form, resulting in “The Fallen Boy”. But what are the viewers of the action-comedy thriller thinking when they find themselves in our theaters for the first time?

L’homme qui tombe à pic… mais qui met du temps pour le faire. Produced in 2010, an adaptation of the 80 Years series from Lee Majors has long been desired. All that’s left to do is finish to see this day graced by realist (and veteran stuntman) David Leitch.

What does Club AlloCiné think?

Lekel directs Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt in this cascading story begun with a double mission, a priori impossible: return the star to port, not il eat double (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and win back the woman of life. Alora viewers? Did he conquer this comedy foray for the first time in our halls?

With a score of 3.77 out of 5 from 513 notes*, The Fallen Boy is David Leitch’s best film. Derrière Bullet Train (3.9) and the same with Deadpool 2, which simply won’t get any more votes.

“Il agit en revenge of the best film with Ryan Gosling after six years and a foray from “First Man” (4), and then, when the cat d’Emily Blunt, “The Fallen Boy” debuted in the last episodes (3,3) later Oppenheimer ( 4.3) in his recent career.

Ils on aim

“Voilà pourquoi aller au cinéma”I’m flaming dragio (4.5 sur 5). “This film is brilliant. The casting is good, ok, la BO simpa, ok. Le montage visuel est top, la mise en abyme de l’histoire dans l’histoire est géniale, drôle, maline. On a de tout: des references to great classics, humor, love, intrigue, fashion, cascades (…), visual innovations.” This is a summary of the global opinion of the majority of viewers who watch the film.

Parmi les qualités mises en avant, chez bon nombre de spectateurs qui ont trouvé ce divertissement “brilliant”actors bring three souvenirs to life: “Encore a beautiful song signed by Ryan Gosling”We are speaking modENASH1 (5 out of 5), I’m glad that Cinema Herve (note) compare it Bruce Willis great era” (pour melange “cascades + humor at the 2nd stage and self-ridicule”) So what Florian Dolet (same) confirm that actor and co-star Emily Blunt “Crevent l’Screen”.

A generic and engaging action-comedy, The Fall Guy demonstrates the enthusiasm and very visible affection of its son-in-residence for his old stuntman business.

As an ensemble, the long film works well for the audience. Qui rient et sont traînés dans le Tourbillon d’action prepared by David Leitch. Read more about the profession The Fall Guy met in advance: “A film that met in the illumination of a cascading waterfall that abuses est très peu présenté encore aujourd’hui”choking ainsi Melvin (5 out of 5), tandis, what domit64 (4 out of 5) talk about “bel tribute to these men and women in cinema: cascades and/or doubles of great actors.”

“A comedy of genre and attractive action, The Fall Guy evokes the enthusiasm and very visible affection of the son of the implementer for the son of the ancient cascading art.”written David Vauclair (4.5 sur 5). And Apollo407 (4 by 5) is the beginning of the realist’s battles: “On Retiendra le Record mondial de Tonneaux, et Surtout la nécessité pour l’Académie American de Mettre en Place dès que possible category du meilleur cascadeur.”

Ils n’ont pas aimé

To date, 100 critical articles have been published, 80 accompanied by notes ranging between 3 and 5 out of 5. Ce qui colle bien avec la moyenne élevée. Most of all you have global negative consequences. Not Celle Cinemadour (2 to 5) which starts well: “If you’re a cascading kisser in all genres, handsome Ryan Gosling, charming Emily Blunt, and you have an affection for skits in forest scenes, plus ripping off that old Jeanne Trouet, bingo, this action comedy is the tail of you!”

“De mon côté, j’ai trouvé l’histoire funny and chaotic (même s’il faut prendre ce movie au 5ème degree, il y des limits!), les dialogues lourdingues et les personnages poussant la caricature jusqu’aux retranchements du supportable ” “Pay tribute to these comedies de l’ombre (les cascadeurs men et femmes) and quelques sequences d’action plutôt bonnes: c’est maigre!”

“De l’action certes mais un scénario d’un vide interstellaire. Même pris au 4ème degré j’ai eu du bad”confirm Veronique B. (1.5 out of 5), with my words during what is Vador Mir (0.5 sur 5): “She’s superficial atmosphere is very humiliating in this film. Characters and relationships between characters that are fake. Film essay trope de plair à public feminine in certain aspects and public masculine in other aspects. Les ficelles sont grosses “And this is not reasonable.”


Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt are buried in the picture to entertain the audience, and it is not that it is a fair of unanimity, in the title itself, which is the place in the lighting of the Cascades that David Leitch’s film allows. The humor and action of The Fallen Boy are much appreciated… but what interests us most, besides, is the writing apparatus, which is the main point of failure of the ensemble.

And you? What do I think of The Fallen Boy?

*Notes due May 2, 2024

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