It is a “powerful antioxidant” and strengthens memory and neuronal growth.

Infusions have become one of the most consumed drinks on the planet. They are mostly made from plants, come in a wide variety and provide many health benefits. One of the most complete teas is ginkgo (Gingko biloba).

This is one of the oldest living tree species, native to Asia. Its leaves have been used for over 2000 years to treat diseases related to the brain and circulation. Among its properties stands out antioxidant power that helps improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing platelet viscosity.

Benefits of ginkgo tea

In addition, as Jordi Cebrian notes in his book “Cabinet of Medicinal Plants”, it is recommended curb dementia, loss of memory and ability to concentrate due to its neuroprotective properties.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) reports that ginkgo This is due to two uses. One of them is related to improving cognitive decline associated with age and quality of life in mild dementia. Other uses are related to relief of heaviness in the legs and cold sensations in the hands and feet which entail some minor circulatory disorders.

They are made from dried leaves tea. Alternatively, it can be taken in the form of an oral tablet, extract or capsule. What you should avoid is eating raw or roasted seeds as they can be poisonous.

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