On November 19, 2021, Adele released her four albums after a four-year absence. entitled thirty, it happened in three days with a disc, and was also sold in a year at the State Universities and then at Queen’s University. In her absence, the singer announces a residency at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Reportée notamment en raison du Covid-19, it has been extended until July 2024.
C’est sur les réseaux sociaux que les fan d’Adele ont appris la nouvelle. “Je vais devoir lever le pied et prendre une pause
– the singer said in a message published on February 28, 2024. As directed by doctors, she met and took portraits and reported on concerts The validity period of which expires from March 1 to March 30, 2024, until the end of 2023.
“Je n’avais pas eu le temps de tout à fait me remettre sur pied avant de reprendre et me voilà de nouveau malade, ce qui a malheureusement un effet sur ma voix,” at-elle notamment écrit.
Adele becomes distraught, observing the full vault after concerts and assuring them. Upon arrival, the employee and his team will leave a report on these canceled dates. “The five weekends of this period will be announced later. Our somms on the train to work in detail et nous vous transmettrons les information aussi vite que possible”, at-elle précisé, s’uscusant pour ce “désagrément”.
This is not a premiere where Adele faced health difficulties. Touched by inflammation of the vocal cords in 2011. her availability contradicts her fair operator. In an interview for the 2021 version of the magazine Faceit is exclusively available suffrír two after the first names. “J’ai eu bad au dos pendant la moitié de ma vie, vraiment, expliquait-elle. Il ya des poussées, normal debts due to stress or an absurd pose.”
Launching November 2022, in residence. Weekend with Adele Pluses are repeating in Las Vegas in 2023 and only in June 2024. At the end of January 2024, the singer announced the celebration. series of four concerts today in Munich
(Allemagne), premiere in continental Europe after 2016. Devant la forte demande, son équipe avait annoncé l’ajout de Four Supplementaires data. For the time being, this is not a threat.
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