Jennifer Aniston, 55 years old, without fard about menopause: “Affects life and work”

Ce mercredi May 29, American magazine Hollywood Reporter that’s the real couverture poseur potential actresses can have – it’s a name in the Best Actress in a Drama Series category at the Emmy Awards. In retrospect, Sofia Vergara pour GriseldaNicole Kidman pour Le ExpatrierAnna Sawai pour ShogunJodie Foster for Tstreet detectiveNaomi Watts pour FeudBrie Larson pour Chemistry lessonsand Jennifer Aniston poured Morning show. In interviews with her clients on Croisé, the Friends star addresses an important social issue for women: menopause. The 55-year-old actress is confident that her aurait amé knows how to get through this stage.

Jennifer Aniston explains what life has been like for me during menopause and allowing me to live the cycle of womanhood differently: “Cela aurait été une bonne information parce que vous vous lancez dans cette aventure un peu à l’aveuglette. As if an alien prenait le control de votre corps et que cela n’avait aucun sens. Cela vousaffe dans votre vie et dans votre. Job.”

>> PHOTO – Jennifer Aniston: who are the men who celebrated this day?

Jennifer Aniston: why did she decide to return to cosmetic surgery?

Jennifer Aniston appears transparent and admits that her names are open for her visits to cosmetic surgery, specifically rhinoplasty. In the book “Livre” Jennifer Aniston: impossible happinesson the 15th day, author Anaïs Makiné Deneker explains that Star of Friends she changed the child’s body type, was the victim of numerous criticisms about her son’s appearance as a teenager, part of my mother, Nancy Doe: “Elle se montre dure envers Jennifer. During puberty, changes in physique are not forced upon the son and simply become fashionable in the game.” The humiliation that the actress caused among the pluses is repeated in the interview. In the entertainment program for the American edition Elle In 2018, Jennifer Aniston admitted: ““She doesn’t realize what has happened because these are deep blessings that I need in the bathroom with a lot of silver to renovate.”

Photo credit: Backgrid USA / Bestimage

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