Kenya: Violent protests leave at least 22 dead and force president of Africa’s most stable country to make reforms

caption, A tax law sparks massive protests in Kenya.

  • Author, contract
  • Role, BBC News World

After a day of violent protests that left more than 20 people dead on Tuesday, Kenyan President William Ruto announced he would withdraw a bill that includes a controversial tax hike.

In a speech to the nation, the president on Wednesday said it was clear Kenyans “don’t want to know anything” about the financial project that sparked street rage.

“Having listened carefully to the people of Kenya who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this Finance Bill 2024, I recognise that… the people have spoken,” he said.

He said he would now hold talks with the youth, who have staged the biggest protests in the country ever since he was elected, in 2022.

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