Categories: Technology

Lyrids and the 1861 comet in the skies of Campo de Gibraltar: the best time to see them

Meteor Rain.

The Lyrid meteor shower is visible from the northern hemisphere (also from the south, but at a lower speed). from April 16 to April 25. An astronomical phenomenon that can also be observed in Campo de Gibraltar.

Lyrids They have an average rate of activity of 20 meteors per hour and a speed of 49 kilometers per second over several days. Even though it was a modest meteor shower, in some years the rate of activity increases to more than 100 meteors per hour.but it is difficult to predict in what year these “spikes” will occur.

For observers at our latitude, 40°N, Lyrid’s radiant is above the horizon. from one hour after sunset until dawn.

Specifically, maximum activity is expected on April 22, around nine a.m. official peninsula time, so it will coincide with morning twilight. In addition to this, The full moon will occur on the night of April 23-24.therefore, the illumination of our satellite will also make it difficult to see rain.

Why do they happen?

Meteora These are fragments of comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher).a long-period comet that orbits the Sun once every 415 years. As every year around this time, the Earth passes through a ring filled with fragments blasted off by Comet Thatcher. When one of these fragments (or meteoroids) comes into contact with the Earth’s atmosphere, it burns up due to friction with the air, thus creating the luminous glow we know as a meteor or shooting star.

They have been observed for the last 2600 years; the oldest records are preserved in the Chinese Book of Chronicles. Zuo Zhuan and date back to 687 BC.

meteor showers They appear to have a single center of origin, a point from which all shooting stars seem to emerge. This point is called the “radiant” and its location is used to name the meteor shower. The Lyrid radiant is located in the constellation Lyra.

What to do to see them?

The observation location can be any if it provides dark sky It is preferable to observe from a place where there are few obstructions to the view (for example, buildings, trees or mountains), and not to use optical instruments that limit the field of view. Although they appear to originate from the constellation Lyra (hence their name), They can be seen anywhere in the sky.


It is advisable to direct your gaze towards the darkest areas, in the direction opposite to the position of the Moon if the observation is made when it is available. It’s most comfortable to lie down and wait until your eyes adjust to the darkness.

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