mekonnu from The Expendables with Marvel stars

My previous few “The Expendables” (2010) is a new action movie, similar to the big names in cinema: “The Losers”. The second series of B did not have the same impact on me as the Sylvester Stallone saga. The film Passe ce soir sur la chaîne L’Equipe.

Just go ahead Consumablesor yes, es Losers

In 2010, he discovered Sylvester Stallone in his new incarnation. Consumables: Unité speciale. A complete testosterone action movie and casting selection for fans of action movies from the 1980s and 1990s. Jason Statham, main long shot with Stallone, supporting roles on Lee’s plane, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Steve Austin or Mickey Rourke for an encore. A proposal that will help the public and the success of the film, a saga composed over four long meters. Portant, le destin d’Consumables Aurait is probably different from another action movie like the one in the cardboard box. From the outside LosersQui porte donc plutôt bien son nom.

Losers ©Studio channel
Losers ©Studio channel

Realized by Sylvain White on the stage of Peter Berg and James Vanderbilt and after the comic book series. Losers These are the assortments in American halls in April 2010. five months in advance Consumables. In France, the full-length film is already here Directing on DVD in November meme annee. Autant dire que chez nous, “Losers” don’t talk about the big world. Et dans le monde no plus, this film is not that interesting. $29 million worldwide, with a quasi-equivalent budget ($25 million excluding marketing costs). Loin d’être is profitable, Losers avait pourtant, sur le papier, des bons arguments for the attire of the spectators.

Mission to Bolivia ended in failure

D’abord, at the level of history, Losers a de vraies resemblance to a spiritConsumablesmaybe this is a questionelite unit involved in suicide, secrets and explosives missions. The team is the messenger of one day In Bolivia, “Pour faire” euthanizes a drug lord. The moment you start researching or find a drug, it reveals what children and children have. Ne pouvant faire annuler une frappe aérienne, ils s’y rendent pour les sauver. “Mais leur superieur, Max,” thought “alors qu’ils ont découvert des chooses qu’ils ne devraient pas savoir.” Il order donc d’éliminer l’elite d’elite, mais tue à la Place les enfants tout juste sauvés. The command will be fair: the passer will die before avenging Max…

Disgusting casting and not enough

come Consumablesin retrospect Losers three big castings with Chris Evans, Idris Elba, Zoe Saldanha or Jeffrey Dean Morgan for an encore. In any case, if all the beau monde are the big public in the world, in the spirit of Sylvain White’s film, he cannot do an encore when his role is played in “The Disgusting Society”. Chris Evans in the embodiment of deja La Torche Humane dans 4 fiction (2005) et sa suite (2007), mais ce n’est qu’un, and later qu’il est devenu Steve Rogers dancing Captain America (2011). The meme Zoe Saldana waited for as a child Star Trek (2009) and others. Avatar (2009), More etait encore loin du personanage de Gamora dance Les Gardiens de la Galaxy (2014).

The cat’s son, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, has probably changed roles a few times, but the most famous change in 2016 began with the beginning of his incarnation. Negan dance the walking Dead. Either way, Idris Elba will leave with the fans The wire (2002–2004), familiar with Luther (2010–2019), but also Heimdall du MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) with Thor (2011). The role, which repeats the names in the suite, is an important aspect of Marvel productions in the mini-presence in these films.

Ainsi, that’s true three MCU stars and one of the walking Dead who reunited in this film. S’il sortait aujourd’hui, Losers A couple of impressions are casting. But in an era, renommée des uns et des autres n’était is clearly not sufficient to preserve this life series B, which is the result of returning negative results autant de la part de la presse (48% positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes) than du public (54%).

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