Meloni rebelled against the distribution of posts in the EU that marginalizes Italy

Giorgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italyassured this Wednesday that his government Does not accept three-party agreement to form pro-European parliamentary majority to key positions in the European Union (EU) institutions, which he described as a “pact to exclude” other political forces.

“The EU institutions were conceived with a neutral logic. High positions were granted to the largest groups, without taking into account the logic of majority and opposition. Today we opt for (…) an ‘exit agreement’, to which Meloni said in parliament: “On behalf of the Italian government I have given my answer and I do not intend to share it.”

The far-right leader, one of the leaders with the best results in the recent European elections, has made clear his discomfort at being excluded from negotiations for a deal so Ursula von der Leyen, Antonio Costa and Kaja Kallas will, respectively, be the chairperson of the Commission and Council and head the Community Club’s diplomacy in the next legislature.

“No authentic democrat who believes in popular sovereignty can internally find it acceptable that there is an attempt to negotiate accords in Europe even before an election,” Meloni said in his statement. European Council before the Chamber of Deputies.

“If there is one indisputable fact that comes out of the surveys, it is the rejection of the policies pursued by the political forces in government of many of the great European countries, which in many cases are also the forces that have guided the European policies of the last few years,” he said.

And he cited the percentages obtained by ruling parties in each EU country: “16% in France, 32% in Germany, 34% in Spain”, While in Italy “53% of those elected are expressions of the government forces.”

In addition, he considered that “The mistake that is going to be made by imposing this logic and a fragile majority that may face difficulties during the legislature is a significant mistake Not for the centre-right or for Italy, but for a Europe that does not understand the challenge it faces or that understands it but which in any case prefers to prioritise other things.

In this sense, he advocated the need to “understand the mistakes of the past” and for a “more concrete and less ideological Europe”, as well as urging the President of the Commission to “think about a specific representation for the bureaucracy”. Signaling a change with the appointment of a Commissioner in the matter.

and threw one Call on the opposition to “recognize what corresponds to Italy as a nation, not to the government, not to this or that party, but to the nation. “That importance has not always been sufficiently recognised in the past, but the message citizens have given us with their vote is clear and we have no intention of turning a deaf ear to it.”

The agreement reached this Tuesday on the most important positions in the European institutions must now be ratified at a summit of heads of state and government to be held on Thursday and Friday of this week in Brussels.

Sources close to EFE told EFE that the negotiators have agreed to leave the distribution of the second term of the presidencies of the European Council and the European Parliament pending the date of their final renewal, taking into account the political circumstances at the time of the negotiations.

He also indicated that, in order to overcome the discomfort of the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for not having called her to these negotiations, one of the six negotiators contacted her to guarantee that she would receive, as she requested, an important portfolio in the next Community Executive.

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