Memory – Michel Franco – criticism

Summarizes: Sylvia has a simple life, structured by her daughter, son’s work and Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Purtan, his memories of Saul Boulevard dedicated to existence, illustrious souvenirs that remain in the past.

Criticize: Sylvia is American, has other children in her family, and dreams of helping adults with disabilities. At times, the son’s behavior is reminiscent of old traumas that change the lower back in life, with defiance towards the male gender, protecting the girl and these bizarre relationships. She encountered a man who had met a man too soon who was aging, Saul, and it was like he was a stranger in long-term depression. Voilà donc le démarrage de Memory who invites to the clinics specialist characters living outside society, inhabitants of terrible souvenirs and experts in the symptoms of mental and physical degradation. Michel Franco’s long meter becomes an explorer of human fragility, traversing the destruction of human memory and, in the person of Luy, the total woman, beautiful because of traumatic souvenirs.

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Memory Donc Tout de l’Apparence du Mélodrame et du Récit Clinique. The two main characters who appear in the poster are fighting against the demons of history and a relatively pathogenic environment that makes every effort to protect them and support them in the gravity of the situation. The film is a story of resilience and the fight against prejudice and social conformity. The implementer interrogates with a certain acuity the combination of the assistant outrui, who can turn out to be pathological and cruel to those who help him. The script penetrates into the secret complexes of manipulation, thoughts and money, autant human dispositions that can lead to a feast.

If the plot of observation, neurosis and mental destruction is very interesting, the film evokes invrisemblances or cancers that read, attracting the viewer’s attention. In the clinic of the long meter there is also a tendency à laisser assez froid le spectateur, which treats the disintegration of the characters as a lecture on psychopathologies in rage. Empathy for Sylvia and Saul is not an obvious strength, but an ensemble of characters who gravitate towards life and that they get lost in gestures of behavior associated with stereotypes.

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More Memory This is the best bluff interpretation of Jessica Chastain and Peter Sarsgaard. Ils Campent des Personnages sombres et lumineux à la fois, étangles par la badie or le passé. Comedians don’t feel empowered to be honest and resilient. Michel Franco encourages the values ​​of forgiveness, tolerance and compassion. Memory Discover the beautiful history of humanity and love in the universe, all of which were destined for mental wandering and development.

Memory s’affiche, as a film of the general and sensitive, où la part belle est donnée à celles et ceux que le destin contrarie. Les défauts du scénario et la tenance au mélodrame sirupeux s’effacent très vite au bénéfice de personnages entiers et pétris de capacités. Michel Franco offers a story that demonstrates the possible future of psychological and social determinism. Optimism on French screens does no harm.

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