Categories: Entertainment

“Memory”, or memory paradoxes

On the other hand, opposites are sad, and this is certainly true of Silvia, the woman who passed away, and Saul, the man who lost his memory. From this intriguing postulate that follows from the theory, Michel Franco Memory size, This is a film “plus romance” à ce jour, Tourné aux Etats-Unis. Il faut dire que l’Auteur, a sort of Mexican disciple of Michael Haneke, we remain only among the regulars of our show at the feast.

Huitième opus de ce chouchou des grands Festivals (after Cannes to Montreux Memory in Venice, about Peter Sarsgaard, in a report on the Men’s Interpretation Prize), the thing I was most forced to become a plague on our distributors was my previous film, sunsetwith Tim Roth and Charlotte Gainsbourg, this unpublished recreation – marquerait-il donc un tournant?

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