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Message from the PRO to the government: they warned that if they stopped cooperating “the situation in Argentina would become dangerous”

Mauricio Macri, president of the PRO, is currently traveling in Europe

In full internal turmoil and after a week in which the PRO tried to mark differences with the national government, Martin YezaRecently elected as president of the party assembly, sent a warning message to the government this Friday.

,This is an institutional minority government, and if we adopt an attitude of focusing more on ourselves and less on the government, in order to help in a healthy way, it is true that Argentina could be dangerous.” said the national deputy in conversation with journalist Marcelo Longobardi Rivadavia Radio,

The reference confirms that the relationship between Mauricio Macri and Javier Mieli, the president of the party, is not going through the best political moment and has been a week full of gestures of distancing.

On Monday, with Macri’s signature, the PRO released a harsh report criticizing the direction of management and stating: “There are more questions than certainties”. A few days later, the former president published a message on social networks demanding that the executive branch execute the Supreme Court ruling that ordered him to return to CABA the co-participation funds deducted by Peronism in 2020. And yesterday the PRO publicly rejected a public proposal made by Miley in an interview with Jonatan Viale to unite towards a merger of parties for the 2025 elections.

According to journalist Federico Mayol in his observation on Infobae this Friday, Macri himself anticipated his strategy in a meeting with the young leaders of La Generación, led by Yeza. In that dialogue, the former head of state of Cambiemos was heard suggesting to the national administration that “we should steer to the right”. “They were going to close INADI and they didn’t do it, also the Ministry of Women and they sent it to Justice. You have to be creative and steer them to the right, ”he stressed.

This Friday, Yeza also raised differences in terms of foreign policy: “We are watching what is happening in international relations; one day we fight with Spain, the next day we say that Bolivia did a self-coup, that the Chinese did something like that, and this is something we do not agree with.,

Furthermore, he appeared to criticize the lack of some sort of political initiative, wondering why the government was still not using the tools that Congress recently provided it.

The second time. Macri, Miley and Bullrich during a meeting held in the Libertarian campaign bunker last year. A photo with the three of them together today would be unthinkable.

Until now, the PRO was an ally of Javier Mieli’s government. Its deputies and senators were decisive in approving the Bases Law and the fiscal package in Congress. Their references also became public voices that defended the first months of Libertad Avanza’s management. But it seems that something has changed in recent weeks, an internal situation that caused a strong rift between the sectors that the yellow party is led by Macri and the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

This internal rift was evident yesterday at the meeting in which Yeza was declared president of the assembly, and from which Bullrich’s followers walked out screaming. “We took this step not only to renew the PRO, but also to clean up the party and carry on the process of regaining trust,” said the former mayor of Pinamar.

As he explained, the yellow party that was born in the city of Buenos Aires came from years of quarrels and situations that were not on an equal footing. He specifically questioned Bullrich and Horacio Rodríguez Larreta about the confrontation they carried out last year in the context of the primary to define the presidential candidacy and accused them of making several leaders fight. “A force that seemed predestined to rule Argentina finished comfortably in third place. So now we did the sensible thing: raise our hand and say that it is no longer and we started to do it differently, ”explained Yeza.

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