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Mexico elections 2024, live | López Obrador, on the accident in Nuevo León: “Our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and our solidarity with the MC” | mexican elections 2024

Number of injured rises to 121 after stage collapse at civil movement rally in Nuevo Leon

The number of those injured due to the collapse of the stage at a civic movement rally in San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, has risen to 121 overnight, as announced by the state governor, Samuel García, this Thursday. All have been treated in regional hospitals and 27 are still hospitalized. The death toll remains at nine people, including a minor. García has promised the victims and their families that the administration will bear all expenses, “funerals, follow-ups, relocations and if they have children, the government will support everything related to follow-ups, scholarships and assistance for minors who have lost a father or mother to this tragedy.”

The accident occurred on Wednesday night during the closing ceremony of municipal mayoral candidate Lorencia Canivati, who was on stage next to the same party’s presidential candidate Jorge Álvarez Mánez. Both have been safe. The accident was caused by a storm with strong gusts of wind. “The weather conditions were unusual,” Álvarez Mánez acknowledged.

(TagsToTranslate)Mexico elections

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