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Miley, Sturzenegger with new trip and delayed landing | XCentral continues to remove the leaves from the daisies

Between volumes of changes in the cabinet – which for now, as they say in the Casa Rosada, seem to be slowing down – and with the pending dissolution federico sturzeneggerThose who do not know whether they will be assigned a ministry or a secretariat, the President Xavier Miley The G7 returned on Sunday. They had no agenda on Sunday or Monday On Friday, he will board the plane again to travel to Europe. on this occasion it will be received Individual awards in Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic and for a meeting with the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz,

On the 20th, a day before her trip to Europe, Miley will visit the city of Rosario where she will A programme for Flag Day. Amid cries and rumours of expulsion, the entire Cabinet is expected to be present as a so-called “sign of unity” Diana Mondino, of the Chancellor, Mariano Cuneo Libaronaof justice, of Mario Russohealth and doubts about what will happen Sandra PettovelloFrom Capital Humano, after the food scandal.

The Sturzenegger Hour

On his return from his second trip to the old continent in less than a week, the president will swear in Sturzenegger to stop delaying his entry into the cabinet. It is expected that not all the areas he was demanding will be under the former Macrista official, for example, The management of state companies was handed over to the Ministry of Economy, headed by “rockstar” Louis “Toto” Caputo. According to Balkars 50, “Miley’s original idea was for Sturzenegger to appear when Caputo got tired and, although that moment was supposed to happen now, because he wasn’t tired, it was invented.”

Regarding the postponement of the definition of how and what areas will be under the control of the said portfolio or secretariat, a person close to the president explains that the delay is due to “a bureaucratic issue, because if you do a task that is within the ministry of the economy it is a mess that they want to avoid.

In that line, It is possible that Sturzenegger will take over some of the areas that are currently the responsibility of the Chief of Staff. According to what those close to the Chief of Staff say Guillermo Francos, there will be changes in the portfolios and remember that even the minister said this when he took office. On that occasion he made it clear “There are powers that should not be in the headquarters and should be back in their respective ministries or secretariats.” They add, “The same will happen with Sturzenegger.” However, they specify that it has not yet been reported which areas will be separated from Franco’s power, as this is being finalized, and official information “will be known in the coming days when the president and Sturzenegger announce it.”

Incident in Rosario

Beyond the landing at the Casa Rosada of the former official of Mauricio Macri’s government and ideologist of the DNU 70/2023, he is in charge of Deny news of new changes in cabinet In fact, on Sunday the president endorsed Mondino on social networks and the ruling party says the entire cabinet will accompany Miley to the Rosario event on Thursday. The governor of Santa Fe will also attend, Maximiliano PullaroAs confirmed in his surroundings.

“On June 20, the president of the nation, Javier Miley, will travel to Rosario to celebrate Flag Day,” presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni announced on his WhatsApp channel, without giving further details about the event. Meanwhile, the Rosario municipality reported its This program will be held at the Flag Memorial between 12 to 6 pm And that admission will be free. Rosario was at the same location during an event held during the presidential campaign in November, five days before his presidential election victory.

Miley keeps on spinning

Once the event is over, Miley will board the president’s plane back to Europe, where he arrived on Sunday. This time the itinerary is again linked to personal issues. The president will receive different awards in different countries. On Friday, in principle, he will be in Madrid, where he will receive the award from the Juan de Mariana Institute “to defend the ideas of freedom.” There, of course, he would not be welcomed by the President of Spain, Pedro Sanchezwhom the Argentine president insulted – also his wife – during his last visit to that country to attend an event of the far-right party Vox. In the course of this new visit, Miley once again attacked Sánchez with a video she uploaded to her networks questioning the alleged “censorship” of a journalist (see separate).

next day, The head of state will continue his visit to Germany. There he will receive the Hayek Medal, which is named in honour of the Nobel Prize-winning economist, Friedrich von Hayek, and will also have a meeting with the Chancellor. Olaf Scholz. This would give a more institutional character to the visit, which was in principle organised for the award ceremony. Before his visit to Germany, one of that country’s spokespersons, Stephan HebestreitIt was described during a press conference in Berlin “Lack of taste” Miley hits back at Pedro Sanchez and confirms that Miley “will be in Germany for a working meeting with the chancellor.”

Meanwhile, on June 24, Miley will be in Prague Where he will receive an award from the Czech Liberal Institute and also deliver a lecture at the Anglo-American University. “As a liberal who identifies with anarcho-capitalism, he urges a minimal role for the state in society,” explained Jiri Schwarz, founder of the Liberal Institute and rector of the Anglo-American Higher School. The same award had been received in the past by, among others, one of Miley’s idols and who gave his name to one of her dogs: the Nobel Prize winner in Economics, Milton Friedman.

The trip that has not yet been confirmed is the President’s trip to China. Following the swap approval received by the government last week, Miley will have to travel to meet Xi Jinping, There are people who take the risk that the Chinese President might visit them on July 4th, the independence day of the United States. This would be a symbolic return of sorts after all the complaints that President Miley and his Foreign Minister Diana Mondino have repeatedly made against that country. At the moment this is just speculation.


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