Murcia Children’s Virus | Pediatricians warn of rising incidence of ‘slap virus’ among children

Pediatricians warn of rising incidence of ‘slap virus’ among childrenChiron

Pediatricians in Murcia have noticed a significant increase in cases “slap virus” in your queries over the past weeks. This infection is known by this nickname because it is common for children with it to develop a pink rash on their cheeks.

parvovirus B19 This is the cause of infectious megaloerythema, which is also called the “fifth disease” because it is the fifth viral infection that causes a reddish rash in minors along with other more well-known infections such as measles, rubella, chickenpox or roseola.

He European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) warned about rebound in cases Parvovirus B19 in Europe, also known as the “slap virus”. A situation that has reached Spain and about which several regional health services are already warning.

This viral infection usually disproportionately affects infants and school-age children. up to 8 years and despite skin damage appears on the face, usually later spreading to the rest of the body, with the buttocks and limbs being very common; with small reddish spots.

Murcian pediatrician Antonio Iofrio, secretary Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP)states that although it is difficult to know the approximate number of cases of the “slap virus” that have occurred at the moment, “we have noticed a significant increase in cases in the past month in the Murcia region”, an issue that admits that it is widely discussed among professionals.

According to his testimony, parvovirus B19 is contagious and usually appears as a reticular rash that usually occurs without fever and can spread to other parts of the body.

Infection occurs when talking, coughing or sneezing through droplets of saliva. An infected child can pass the disease on during the incubation period..

The first symptoms usually appear 10 days after exposure to a person infected with or incubating the virus, and as with other pathologies such as chicken pox or measles, immunity develops once the disease has passed, so infection is unlikely. second time.

However, Dr. Iofrio notes that the virus spreads from person to person before symptoms that can lead to a diagnosis appear, so it is difficult to avoid contact between children in advance. Although he warns about the importance of preventing contact of infected children with pregnant women, especially those in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The president Association of Community Pediatrics of Primary Health Care of the Region of Murcia (Apermap), Juan Antonio Carmonastates that the presence of more cases of the “slap virus” is being discussed among colleagues, “but it is also occurring at a time when breakout skin conditions typically appear.”

Magloerythema multiforme infectiosum begins with nonspecific symptoms such as headache, mucus, or some discomfort. Fever may or may not appear. Subsequently, a typical rash appears, which begins on the cheeks and is bright red in color, and then usually spreads to the rest of the body. The lesions usually disappear within a week, but the rash may reactivate in the following days when exposed to factors such as light, sun or heat.

When asked if there is a vaccine for parvovirus B19, Dr. Iofrio says no. Therefore, treatment for infected children or adults consists of antihistamines if they have itching, paracetamol and ibuprofen if they have joint pain.

Experts also recommend general measures dWash your hands and practice coughing and sneezing this helps prevent its spread.

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