NASA Tasks Space X with Ship to Destroy International Space Station

The station’s operational life ends in 2030, so Space X has been selected by the company to develop a vehicle that will deorbit the current space headquarters.

NASA has entrusted Space X with a spacecraft capable of deorbiting and destroying in the atmosphere International Space Station when its service life ends in 2030. The contract value is up to 834 million euros.

Bye space will control him throughout his mission. According to NASA, the unmanned spacecraft, along with the space station, is expected to be destroyed during reentry, ensuring no risks to populated areas.

After successive expansions, the International Space Station currently weighs 420 tons, is 73 square meters long and 109 square meters wide. It orbits the Earth at altitude more than 400 kilometers.

Since 1998, five space agencies, CSA (Canadian Space Agency) WHAT (European Space Agency), JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), POT (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and State Space Corporation “Roscosmos”operate the International Space Station, and each agency is responsible for the management and control of the equipment it provides.

The station was designed so that interdependent and depends on the contribution of the entire association to the functioning. The United States, Japan, Canada and ESA member countries have committed to operating the station until 2030.

Russia has committed to continue operating the station until at least 2028. Safe deorbit of the International Space Station is possible. responsibility of five space agencies.

The total potential value of one contract is 843 million dollars. The service of launching a descent vehicle from orbit will be a future acquisition.

During 24 years of continuous manned operation, the space station has been a scientific platform on which crew members have completed more than 3300 experiments in microgravity conditions focuses on multiple research disciplines, including earth and space sciences, biology, human physiology, physical sciences, and demonstrations of technologies not possible on Earth.

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