Netanyahu told Biden he had made progress in talks with Hamas to free hostages and for a ceasefire in Gaza

Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu during their last meeting in Tel Aviv (Israel)

(From Washington, United States) benjamin netanyahu called today Joe Biden to announce it made progress in conversation between Israel And Hamas Its aim is to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza that allows release to the captive hostages and Multiplication Humanitarian aid is needed in the war zone.

Netanyahu told Biden that Israel will put “End the war only after all its objectives have been achieved”, According to what Infobae was told by a member of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Cabinet.

Similarly, assurances were also given from Jerusalem through this medium that Netanyahu has informed Biden about this Send an official delegation -It is not known yet Queue one of two Egypt, Negotiating a ceasefire with Hamas. The delegation will be led by David Barnea, Director of Mossad.

the White House made it known An official statement who confirms Information for infobae About the conversation between Biden and Netanyahu today.

“The leaders discussed the recent response received from Hamas“The President (of the United States) welcomed the decision of the Prime Minister (of Israel) to authorize his negotiators to cooperate with American, Qatari and Egyptian mediators in an effort to close the agreement,” the statement said.

And he adds: “President Biden Reaffirmed our strong commitment to Israel’s securityEven in the face of threats from Iran-backed terrorist groups such as Lebanese Hezbollah.”

Netanyahu speaks to Biden over phone about progress in talks with Hamas to achieve ceasefire

Hamas Sent 3 days ago A counterproposal to the ceasefire initiative presented by Biden at the time, and considered by the Netanyahu administration comes close to your claims Israel’s Security Policy and Its War Plan in Gaza.

Terrorist group admits first step Six-week truce In exchange for freedom for all captivesPeople of legal age and kidnapped people who were sick or badly injured offered refuge by the United States Israel eventually ratified.

Hamas too Discarded a proposal that it allows Move on in the conversation: it’s no longer needed full refund of Israeli troops from Gaza. He proposed that Israeli battalions to reduce Their numbers are rising in some areas of the south, an initiative of Netanyahu I agree With some conditions which will be discussed at the negotiating table.

Relatives and friends of Jewish hostages held by Hamas take part in a protest in Gaza demanding the freedom of the captives

In this context, Netanyahu Instructed Israeli negotiators to meet with His Qatari teammates And EgyptTwo Middle Eastern countries representing Hamas in talks to reach a ceasefire in Gaza.

that call Did From Netanyahu to Biden, a chapter of political and personal differences between the two leaders closes. President He asked question -In Public- Netanyahu’s War Strategy and Continuity he decided A ban on certain weapons that Israel was using to subdue Hamas in the Strip.

Criticism of Biden and his unexpected ban on Israel there was a sudden reaction Netanyahu’s Bilateral relations collapsed Between two partners who support each other Since 1948,

“It is unimaginable in recent months, Administration (Biden) has dedicated itself to blocking arms and ammunition from Israel. Israel, America’s closest ally, is fighting for its life against Iran and our other common enemies. Secretary Blinken assured me that the administration is working around the clock to eliminate this obstacle. I certainly hope that is the case. That’s the way it should be. During World War II, (Winston) Churchill They said to the United States: Give us the equipment, we will do the work. I say: Give us the equipment and “We will complete the work very quickly,” Netanyahu said in a video posted on his official X account.

Countering the statements of the Israeli Prime Minister white House cancelled a meeting Strategic Advisory Group (GSC), which brings together 15 experts related to foreign relations, defense and intelligence from both countries Define a shared agenda About the current crisis in the Middle East.

Agenda of the cancelled meeting as a priority War in Gaza, role Into the crescendo in the Middle East and Iran aggressive Hezbollah is conducting a war against Israel from Lebanon’s southern border. In the GSC, classified information is shared, options for war on the ground are analyzed Further plans Which Biden and Netanyahu will consider later.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Galant during their last meeting in Washington

From this diplomatic crisis, a series of political movements began in Washington and Jerusalem. Intent to recover The relationship between Netanyahu and Biden.

in this stage, Yoav Gallantry decided to go to DC to meet with -Israel’s Defense Minister- jake sullivan -National Security Advisor-, Anthony Blinken -Secretary of State-, William Burns -Director of the CIA- and lloyd austinSecretary of Defense.

Gallantry tour calmed political tensions Between Netanyahu and Biden, the United States ban on some bombs that Israel considers necessary was lifted and tasked to analyze The situation in Gaza.

Gallant then returned to Israel and Netanyahu was informed about his whirlwind visit to D.C. And three days later, Hamas sent its latest counter-proposal for a ceasefire based on the initiative announced by Biden through Qatari and Egyptian negotiators.

Biden and Netanyahu have known each other for a long time, and the call from Jerusalem to Washington is Serviced to calm cyclical differences A geopolitical agenda Who is supported Absolutely By both leaders: Secure the State of Israel, defeat and contain Hamas Iran As Main enemies Terrorists in the Middle East.

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