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Netflix is ​​thinking about a free-to-play version, and it could change the market forever | Smart TV | Smartlife

Netflix It never stops experimenting with different types of access to its platform. And apparently, he has an idea that is still surprising and could be a serious blow in such a competitive market as video streaming platforms. We are talking about free access to the platform.

Netflix has experimented with a free offer in the past, especially in Kenya, although it discontinued it last year. But now the company is considering the possibility of further implementation: offering free access to the service. in much larger markets such as Asia and Europe. According to Bloomberg, countries such as Japan and Germany are the first candidates to take advantage of this option, although it is always clear that this option will not be available in, for example, the US (and this is still surprising).

Netflix’s radical decision

If the emergence of such an opportunity is confirmed, we are talking about a movement that makes sense, since the launch of free access is intended attract even more subscribers — and we shouldn’t forget that Netflix won’t gain much in countries like the US and Canada.

Netflix letter logoUnsplash

It’s important to highlight that, depending on the source of inflation, a new free Netflix plan is not imminent as it will be considered internally at the moment. However, it is clear that this proposal will help the company maintain its presence in the market, especially in places where low-income consumers cannot afford this serviceas currently assessed.

The launch of this subscription level in major markets also represents go back to the old days in entertainment, given that Netflix was initially pitched as an alternative to ad-supported television (and would be the one that would financially support free access).

Logical evolution of the company

Considering that Netflix currently operates its own movie theaters in some locations, develops its own video games, and is exploring the possibility of live streaming, this is not the case. not crazy at all launch a free subscription… because it fits naturally with the firm’s other strategies.

Still from the TV series The Whole ManNetflix

The free plan concept could be tied to Netflix’s slow rollout of ad-based subscriptions, which currently lag behind rivals like Prime Video. It’s not all bad anyway, considering comments like the following: “We are making good progress in this area.said co-CEO Greg Peters during a recent quarterly results presentation. “But we still have a lot to do in terms of scalability.” And, in the last case, free access based on advertising. fits perfectly.

Clearly, Netflix is ​​exploring new strategies to increase its market share, including the possibility of free, ad-supported subscriptions. keep growing and adapt to the changing demands of the global market.

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