Categories: Entertainment

Nicole Kidman is very memorable in this superb drama inspired by a true story.

Netflix is ​​coming online with The Hours, a stunning drama inspired by the lives of Virginia Woolf and Nicole Kidman, who won an Oscar for best actress. Her physique transformed for this powerful role.

Watch: Romance in Film

Watch This drama was released in 2002, written by Stephen Daldry and based on the novel of the same name by Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Cunningham. The film casts light on the intertwining lives of three women in three different periods as they faced dilemmas of existence and personnel, all inspired by the literary works of Virginia Woolf.”Mrs Dalloway“appeared in 1925.

L’intrigue du Film s’articule is the author of three parallel women’s stories from three different eras. Nous suivons Virginia Woolf (played by Nicole Kidman), who wrote “Mrs Dalloway“during the years 1920 all in the fight against depression. The second story takes place in 1950 and troubles Laura Brown (Julianne Moore), a woman in the foyer where Woolf’s novel is illuminated, and she discusses her own feelings of despair and dissatisfaction.

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In short, the “triple line” narrative is set in modern-day New York, where Clarissa Vaughn (Meryl Streep) throws a party for my poet son Richard (Ed Harris), visits SIDA, and embarks on a journey that descends into intrigue. de”Mrs Dalloway“.

Oscar Nicole Kidman

Virginia Woolf, an indescribable figure in literature, lutté toute sa vie contre des mentaux, notamment la depression et les bipolares. They are Romans”Mrs Dalloway“It is seen as a reflection of your own experience and domestic tours. Virginia Woolf voulait d’abord appeler ce roman “Watch“.

In the film, the detective character is a montre au moment de l’ecriture de ce roman, unprocessus qui lui permet d’explorer et d’exprimer ses propres démons interiors. This personal staff de Wulf represent the central element of the film, connecting three separate recitations that run through themes of the psychological soul, identity and the search for feelings.

The performances of the three lead actresses were praised by critics. Nicole Kidman, best known for her role as Virginia Woolf thanks to her prosthetic nose and physical transformation, won an Oscar for best actress for her role.

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