Categories: Technology

Nintendo Switch 2 will go on sale in the first quarter of 2025.

Nintendo Switch is considered one of the best consoles in history. The combination of a portable console with a huge catalog of games (and many of them very good) has made it the third best-selling console in the world. Switch sales continue to be quite strong, but the console is already reaching the limit of everything its 2017 hardware can offer. Users are asking for a Nintendo Switch 2, although previous rumors indicated that it would be released. at the end of 2024now announced release date delay, arrival early 2025.

With the exception of the GameCube, which was a console with more powerful hardware than the PlayStation 2 at the time, and quite competent in this aspect, the rest Nintendo consoles have never stood out for their power. Remember when they released the Nintendo DS, 2DS and 3DS because compared to other consoles or even the 2004 PSP they were way behind. In the case of the Nintendo Switch, it was also noticeable that Nintendo did not provide the most powerful hardware, but the truth is that at that time it was not bad at all.

Nintendo won’t release its next console at the end of 2024 as we expected

You may remember the surprise we all had when we saw that the Switch was able to play Breath of the Wild, with its huge open world and a fairly stable 30 frames per second, with virtually no glitches. The same goes for Mario Odyssey, as those two were some of the biggest releases. Of course we can’t forget Mario Kart 8which continues to be the best-selling console today, surpassing 60 million units according to the latest data. Although the Switch surprised in 2017, over the years he losesas other consoles and games develop.

It’s increasingly unlikely that current games will be playable on Switch, although there have been some surprises such as Hogwarts Legacy. Still everyone is waiting nintendo switch 2 and on this matter, although we do not have official information from Nintendo, we expected it to arrive before the end of 2024. In contrast to this, Tom Henderson said in September 2023 that Switch 2 will appear within 12-18 months, so this seems to be an appropriate prediction. And the latest news indicates that Nintendo has delayed the release date and Switch 2 is now expected. 1st quarter 2025that is, the first quarter of 2025.

All rumors point to a release date for Nintendo Switch 2 in the first quarter of 2025.

This new Nintendo Switch release date comes from eurogamer, but the matter is not limited to this source, since from Video Game Chronicle (VGC) also indicated that the launch will take place in 2025. According to them, Nintendo has already notified third-party video game companies about the change from late 2024 to early 2025. All we know is that these sources come from the development teams and studios working on Switch 2 games, with no names mentioned or companies involved.

Bloomberg For its part, a day later the company announced that a future Nintendo console will also arrive next year. no earlier than March 2025. If launched in early 2025, we may find out more information during CES 2025 which will pass between January 7 and 10, 2025. For now, we can only wait and continue to see news about this long-awaited console.

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