Categories: Technology

OpenAI’s Humanoid Robots Just Demonstrated an Advanced Neural Network

OpenAI worked with 1X to adapt humanoid robots to a regular assembly line. How close is this technology to achieving this goal?

1X humanoid robots are already capable of performing their own tasks on the assembly line. 1X

Robotics is developing by leaps and bounds. More and more companies are emerging whose protagonists are connected machines. Since a long time There is a strong influence of systems based on artificial intelligence. in the sector. Improvement of capabilities occurs after a certain autonomy of their functions, which made it possible to develop workable programs, for example, on an assembly line. Today it’s time to take a look at robotics company 1X’s offering.

Assembly lines will be dominated by advanced humanoid robots

OpenAI’s humanoid robots are highly autonomous and capable of improve your abilities over time. The 1X company knows about this, so they are already developing their own system to adapt it to the plant. Thus, it is easy to observe how many potential employment activities will be replaced for this type of machine. The advanced neural network available in these humanoid robots shows how advanced this industry has become.

As seen in the previous images, OpenAI-inspired robots can perform multiple tasks in the industrial sector. The adaptability of the technology allows us to see the application of this offering in various industries. The best example of this was shown to us by 1X itself when introduce technology related to surveillance and patrol missions. The Android robot Optimus itself seems to play a key role in Tesla or the said company’s direction of business.

One of the main curiosities is the ability to control these robots using Android devices. Using an open source operating system, as stated in the 1X press release, makes it easier to develop new technological solutions in the short and medium term. This is an important achievement that could lead to new features for the company in the future.

The company’s next step is to configure each of the units in just a few steps to perform a specific function. After all, companies like Tesla They intend to robotize most of the production process. Traditionally, there has been an idea that a robot should be associated with something seen in science fiction films, but the truth is that it was the industrial sector that ultimately adapted them to get the most out of them.

OpenAI will continue to work with companies like 1X to standardize these humanoid robots in manufacturing. Improved algorithms generated by AI-powered systems will enable more functions to be performed at greater speed, leading to greater competitiveness for companies that choose to incorporate them into assembly lines.

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