Categories: Health

Pediatric traumatology, why does it play a key role in the development of a child?

Pediatric traumatology and orthopedics This is a narrow specialty that has its own essence, since the physiological characteristics of children are very different from those of adults, therefore both the pathologies and the treatment methods used will also be different.

One of the characteristics that distinguishes children and adolescents from adults is the presence in their bones of a structure called Physis or growth plate, vital for its development. Various surgeries related to physical diseases provide excellent results, but it is very important to have specialists who specialize in pediatric physiology.

A pediatric patient requires specific management adapted to the different stages of its growth, be it a newborn, a toddler, a schoolchild or a teenager. It is growth that determines pediatric orthopedic pathology and the therapeutic decisions made.

What is treated in the pediatric traumatology and orthopedic service?

In the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Pediatric Traumatology Hospital Quironsalud San Josedoctor Monica Alvarez, explain that this specialty can be divided into two blocks. On the one hand, traumatology deals mainly with the treatment of fractures. And on the other hand, orthopedics, as the name suggests, focuses on orthopedic problems.

The types of pathologies that orthopedics treat include, but are not limited to: growth disorders, scoliosis, hip dysplasia or club feet. Serious syndromes or diseases such as cerebral palsy are also addressed in collaboration with other specialties such as neurology.

Head of the Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Pediatric Traumatology Hospital Quironsalud Zaragozadoctor Alejandro Sola, explains that to achieve a satisfactory solution, early detection is very important, which facilitates the use of less aggressive treatment methods. Some of the most common problems treated at the department include hip dysplasia, clubfoot and flat feet. Hip dysplasia, doctor adds Jesus Bregantedepartment coordinator, is the most common congenital malformation in newborns.

In addition to neonatal pathologies, from the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics University Hospital Quironsalud Madrid, explain that there are a large number of pathologies that affect areas such as the hip, knee, leg, or foot. In addition to spinal deformities such as scoliosis. In many of these cases, surgery will have to be resorted to.

The actors are also developing

Although at an early age, pediatric orthopedics and traumatology specialists have to deal with more orthopedic problems and growth problems, as children grow bruises and injuries They are starting to become increasingly important.

Accidents involving beaches, swimming pools, scooters and bicycles are common during the summer. In general, there have been more visits to the traumatologist. As the doctor explains Jose Lirolapediatric orthopedic surgeon Sacred Heart Hospital Quironsalud, bone injury They usually occur in the upper and lower extremities, to a greater extent and in that order in the radius, humerus, tibia, clavicle and femur.

In winter, as the traumatologist explains Manuel Leyes and physiotherapist Angel Basasboth from Olympia ClinicFractures associated with seasonal sports such as skiing and snowboarding are not uncommon. “Beginner skiers, children or teenagers are at increased risk of leg fractures, with children under 10 years of age having a 9 times higher risk than skiers over 20 years of age.“explains Dr. Leyes.

The solution after an injury usually involves placing a cast on the affected limb. We are talking about a technique that is over 160 years old and which can logically be improved. In fact, the pediatric orthopedic surgery team at Quirónsalud Sagrado Corazón-IHP-Orthopediatrica uses waterproof plasters or submersible models. This technique, which Dr. Lirola himself imported after a stay at Boston Children’s Hospital in the USA, allows the patient to swim daily, even on the beach or in the pool.

These immersion casts allow children to choose a cast of any color, they weigh less and can put their hand under the tap if itching occurs, but they also have advantages for the traumatologist himself, since this material does not appear on the x-ray. Ray. In addition, the doctor adds: “Unlike a traditional patch, the skin does not suffer and does not have an unpleasant odor.“.

Sports injuries in children and adolescents.

Extracurricular activities and athletic competitions also return during the school year. Doctor Gonzalo Samitierorthopedic surgeon Quironsalud Hospital Badalona, explains that a third of childhood injuries occur during sports training. Some are caused by injury, while others are caused by repetitive stress or overuse.

Most common traumatic injuries“, explains Dr. Samitier, “These are sprains (ankle, knee), muscle and tendon strains (hip, femur), fractures (any location) and dislocations (shoulder, patella).” The risk of injury increases as children grow because while their motor coordination improves, they also gain more physical strength. It works against them in this area.

In addition, the doctor explains, the way children and teenagers play sports has changed a lot in recent years: there are a lot of training sessions and competitions on weekends. It must be taken into account that They develop children. with exposed growth cartilages – which are affected by stress. On the other hand, the early specialization required for each sport increases the risk overexertion injuriessuch as stress fractures and acute injuries.

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