pourquoi, singer Adele Castillon in this shade in public

Singer Adele Castillon has taken part in the public celebration of Solidays 2024 to kiss in a video and refute fake news that she was convicted for supporting Jordan Bardella.

At a concert scheduled for June 29 at the Solidays festival, singer Adele Castillon is in attendance. Heureusement pour elle, il s’agissait en Realité d’une mise en scène pour les son’s kisses prochain clip.

Even during the election period, a series of visits and the names of Internet users confirmed on the social network that the singer was avait été huée après avoir soutenu le patron of the national unification, Jordan Bardella.

“I’m sorry you’re surfing the internet and the public is demanding that I show you images from the clip,” she pointed to Compte X’s son in a reaction to the video of the accused support RN.

Adele Castillon responded to social problems and international interrogators. “C’est des malades les gens. J’ai demandé au public de me huer pour les images de mon prochain clip,” she insisted on a variety of reprises.

Progress after 2018

Adele Castillon became famous in 2018 thanks to Morso Love Plastic, a duet with his former companion Mathieu Reynaud, in the format of the Video Club group. Ils ont sorti un disque avant de separer in 2021.

Elle a sorti l’année dernière un album Solo, Plaisir Risk Dependencebecause the collaboration with rapper Gazo, It’s evening. Now let’s go to the cinema, the device in Sous le même toit (2017) and others. Sortie time (2019).

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