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Quick change: Miley will finally attend G7 | The Italian embassy’s inconvenience was key to reversing her original decision not to attend

Eventually, after a lot of back and forth, Xavier Miley confirmed that he will travel to Italy to be part of the G7. During this Thursday, At the Casa Rosada he claimed to have come down from the summitBut as the hours passed, the narrative gained ground that he had made the opposite decision. He sent the inconvenience caused by the Italian Embassy to the Ministry of External Affairs Given Miley’s initial refusal to participate (with Lula SilvaThe only Latin American leader to be specially invited Georgia Meloni, This had the effect of changing the agenda. Considering what to do with his next international tour, the President went to the “Agroactiva” exhibition in Santa Fe, where he took the opportunity to praise his Economy Minister. Louis CaputoAnd to confirm the chainsaw plan.

Originally, Miley had planned an extensive tour of about two weeks, but after the changes, it has now been reduced and divided into two segments, as confirmed in Balcarce 50. First, she will travel to Italy for three days to attend the G7. Starting on Wednesday, it falls between June 12 and 15; then she will return to the country in forced parentheses for the Flag Day celebrations; and finally He will board the plane again to visit Germany and Spain from 22nd to 24th of this month.

In both Germany and Spain, as in previous tours, Miley He would receive awards from liberal foundations and across the political spectrum. Within the framework of the “Freedom Dinner” organized by the extreme right in the city of Madrid, they will give him a decoration from the Juan de Mariana Institute. While in Berlin they will give him the Hayek Medal.

Two important appointments were left off the official agenda: those he could have made with the President of France, Emmanuel Macronand with his counterpart from Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. He had planned to meet the Ukrainian people during a peace summit in Switzerland called by Western powers, but in the end he will not attend it. Brazil and China – two countries with which the government intends to improve relations after a series of diplomatic blunders – had already pulled out of the call, noting that the alleged call for peace did not include Russia.

The Ukraine failure can be read, in this framework, as a potentially pragmatic turning point in foreign relations, marked by necessity: the swap with China and the import of gas from Brazil are two of the urgent needs of the liberal administration’s moment.

With his participation in the G7, Milley will resume his international travel agenda, which he has abused so far in his administration: he has already spent more than 30 days outside the country, a record for a president in his first six months in power. This time, at least, he will be able to boast that he has an official itinerary, unlike previous visits to Miami, Washington and Los Angeles, in the United States, and Madrid, where he was invited by his friends in the far-right party Vox and that ultimately triggered a diplomatic conflict with his Spanish counterpart Pedro Sánchez.

a stranger Creature

This Thursday, Miley did it again: she compared herself to the science fiction character Terminator, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 90s. This was during an interview with the American media company The Free Press, in which she assured without blushing that, like the Terminator, she also comes from an “apocalyptic future”, although in her case avoiding the political evolution of socialism.

“I come from an apocalyptic future to escape it. A bit like a Terminator story. Well, actually Schwarzenegger is a libertarian,” he said, intending to joke. The far-right in this interview published on Thursday.

Miley had already compared herself to the Terminator last February when, after the failure of the Omnibus Law, she tweeted a picture made by artificial intelligence in which she herself embodied the character and left “Casta la vista, baby” as a slogan. It was not without reason that the journalist who interviewed her presented her as a “strange creature” to the foreign public.

“There are the obvious ones: He says he doesn’t comb his hair (and it seems he doesn’t). He has four cloned mastiffs that he refers to as his ‘four-legged children,’ and who are named after his favorite free-market economists,” he said in The Free Press, describing the Argentine president as “raised in a Catholic family, but he studied the Torah.”

In that framework, there was room for the thorny issue of Conan and his clones. “They have messed with my loved ones, with everyone. They have even messed with my dogs, violating the national constitution, which says that private acts are reserved for the private, for conscience and the will of God. They are so dirty, so dirty, that they have even messed with my dogs,” he said of the opposition’s alleged attacks on his private life.


Miley said in the interview, “I like being a mole inside the state, destroying it from within.” A phrase that arouses the least curiosity when it comes to, precisely, the head of state. He tried to justify himself by saying, “The system is changed from inside, not from outside. No politician will change a system that benefits him in favor of the people because he has the power to do so.”

Along the same lines, he assured that the “reform of the State” that he intends to implement “must be carried out by someone who hates the State.” A good definition for one of the leaders nominated for the new position who will lead it: Federico Sturzenegger.

“I am the one who destroys the state from within. It’s like infiltrating the enemy camp. The state must be reformed by someone who hates the state. And I hate it so much that I’m willing to do it. To destroy the state, endure all kinds of lies, slander and insults against me and my most loved ones, which are my sister, my dog ​​and my parents,” Miley said.

“The only way to change it is to get into the system and fight power, because otherwise you’re not going to change it,” he said as if he was trying to justify why he ran for the position he holds today.

Thanks, Caputo

Miley stepped onto Santa Fe soil to speak at the “Agroactiva” exhibition of the agro-export sector. From there, and accompanied by José Luis Espert, he admitted that it “disturbs” him that the country continues to have “this level of inflation”, which in part his own government helped trigger.

He also praised his chainsaw plan and his minister, Luis Caputo. “Since we took office, we went on a zero deficit program. We thought of doing it in a year, but thanks to Caputo, in January, we were already in financial balance,” the president said.

In this framework of self-praise of his own adjustment, Miley took aim at Congress for proposing bills that “go against the fiscal surplus”, such as the one that seeks to improve the poor retirement benefits and that has already received half the approval from the deputies. Regarding this issue, the president assured that if this law is approved in the Senate, he is going to veto it, and that he will not be affected by the consequences of that decision.

“And this has been repeating itself during all the months. May will also give a surplus again and although seasonally, due to the payment of bonuses, June is a deficit month, when you take the 6 months together we are in surplus, that is to say, zero deficit still prevails,” he stressed.

As if he lived in a parallel country, Miley said the economy was “already rebounding” and that the number of “the poor and the poorer” would decrease, despite the fact that all indicators show the opposite.

“The truth is that 90% of the adjustment is a chain reaction: we halved the number of ministries; we eliminated public works; we practically eliminated discretionary transfers to the provinces and we faced a program of rationalization of social spending like never seen before,” he concluded. Miley.


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