Categories: Entertainment

Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez… Pour quoi autant de stars, lancent leurs marques de beauté?

Tout le monde you met. Rihanna with Fenty Beauty, Lady Gaga with Hauslabs, Ariana Grande with Rem Beauty, Selena Gomez with Rare Beauty… and so on, the list of stars who have appeared in the field of cosmetics continues to grow. A strategy completely aimed at women could see singer Harry Styles launch his Pleasant beauty brand so Pharrell Williams can diversify his Humanrace music.

Pourquoi ces marques rencontrent autant de succès? Qu’ont-elles en plus? 20 minutes I asked Karin Mama, an expert in brand strategy and digital communications, to explain the reasons for its success.

Large audience for the exploiter

Le business is fruit et plus jeunes n’attendent plus pour croquer leur part du gâteau. The striking success of Florence by Mills, the brand of 20-year-old actress Millie Bobby Brown in dark clothes. And if the consommaires mordent toujours à l’hameçon, it is that these new responses answer the criterion of the essentiality of the brand strategy: avoir une forte communauté. Expert in this field, Karin Mamou, argues that this moment “is the key point in everything.” “Aujourd’hui, when in public, on peut comedre ce qu’on veut, tant que c’est coherent avec qui on est”, ajoute-t-elle.

Juskichi, Cantonese stars, ambassador statutes, etc., contain information about names and photographs attached to perfume chests and other advertising campaigns. Mais l’ère des reseaux sociaux changes lives! These include all the “gagner plus” capabilities and the direct use of recommendation capabilities through new platform forms appropriate for this type of content. This is also a principle that uses the medium of “influence”.

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“Avoir un bon produit ça ne suffit plus pour vendre”, develop an expert strategy in the field of trade. “Il faut d’abord se faire connaître. Because you have an audience, you have the motivation to work,” quotes the case of Taylor Swift, who with their pouvoir de recommendations is simply “influential on American elections.”

Values ​​that speak to Generation Z

Il faut savoir que ces marques-là s’adressent pour la plupart aux nouvelles Genérations, plus, in particular, Gen Z. Que veut cette génération? Desticks “engagees” et “incarnées”, car “ce sont ces conducteurs de consommation”.

For the incarnate cat, this is an obvious case, because the stars predict meme words under the word of honor and the font in which brands, grace and personalities live. “Fans get the feeling that there is a friend who is launching a brand that they recognize,” says the digital communications expert. Côté Engagement, la case est aussi cochée avec des marques que sont plus inclusives, engées pour la planète, véganes, clean, etc.

For example, Fenty Beauty (Rihanna’s brand) “complements all the traditional beauty brands that don’t offer more than 49 items, rather than a large palette of fragrant colors,” says Karin Mamou. “Selena Gomez communicates with the Rare Beauty brand. A fate that particularly worries Generation Z.” Pour chaque mark il ya un “supplement d’ame” and this is what makes qu’elles ont un succès si particulier.

“rewarding” business

Obviously, if celebrities launch, then it seems that this business is “lucrative” for them. As Karin Mamou explains, there are nothing more than “simple ideas.” Outre l’argent, avoir une marque leur also allows you to connect, as well as étroites with fans of words, rent in everyday life, read constantly. “This is a workaround plus accessibility,” analyze the expert. To make sure that you can get a “nobler identity”, and give the right to the etiquette of influence or the cell of a TV reality star.

“Ces stars savet parler différemment aux jeunes, car les les comprennent leurs code, en étant dans le dial. “These groups are of interest to us,” says Karin Mamou. Celle-ci explains that this is the reason why big luxury groups such as LVMH or Kering dress – it is the port de celebs enraged by parts of brands, as it is le cas for the whole Rihanna among others.

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