Categories: Entertainment

Salma Hayek (57) wears clear teeth at her restaurant d’Etat with Joe Biden.

Important meeting. On the same day, June 8, 2024, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron received a big name thanks to invitations to the Elysee Palace. In fact, the presidential couple celebrated Debarkeman’s 80th birthday in the presence of Joe and Jill Biden. For this occasion, the President of the French Republic decided to invite many celebrities in honor of their American counterparts.

Ainsi, the main state dinner, politicians such as Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni, represent the cats of Rachida Dati, the Minister of Culture and Jack Lang. The company’s chef Bernard Arnault, veteran US Secretary of State and former climate envoy John Keery, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his son Evan Ryan were invited to the party. Not only Pharrell Williams, but also Berenice Bejo and Lea Seydoux, the creator Claude Lelouch, and the astronaut Thomas Pesquet were waiting for him.

Salma Hayek turns to face Joe Biden

And it was the fact that the son arrived at the Elysee Palace. Actually, Actress Salma Hayek is here with her friends. Billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault. The 57-year-old beautiful actress didn’t have time to wear the ose look. Indeed, on a long jupe noire, The comedienne added a high sheer shade. Great, he uses his short length. Côté mise en beauté, Salma Hayek chooses an intense blush for an intense blush.

Aux bras de son compagnon, dressed in a black suit, Salma Hayek is simply amazing. for this help to Joe Biden. All guests will have a wonderful little world to enjoy this evening within the menu provided for your friends.

Discover your establishment’s menu

Selon brings us closer BFMTV entrance, you invited them to the title salad “Sarahs of Ile-de-France and Provence” a la vinaigrette “patida”suivi d’une poularde Massée aux fleurs with artichokes, gerbets, willow poulet “fragrant chamomile” From time to time, “The Decline at Osso-Irati, jeune et affiné, Brillat-Savarin en croûte de céréales”this is a choice before finishing the dessert, with chocolate framboise rose in sauce “Ronze Charnel”.

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