Categories: Technology

says something about the comedian that many did not expect

Alberto Nunes Feijoo made his debut in the podcast world in Worldwide broadcastprogram by Pedro Buerbaum, businessman and creator of the famous Chueca waffle penises.

At one point in the conversation, when they had time to talk about Alviz and employment, the topic of signing David Broncano for TVE came up, despite Feijóo warning Those who were not very interested in this topic left several comments on this matter.

“This contract was very controversial, because this contract forced the previous director of TVE to resign, why? because it’s a multi-million contract, I seem to remember it’s 14 million euros per seasonAnd then, it seems, since I haven’t followed this issue in detail, there is no clause about the target audience,” he noted.

Immediately after this, he again used the phrase “seems” when talking about AnthillPablo Motos’ program on Antena 3: “It seems like it’s being done in the same time slot as another program that has millions of viewers and that I was once on, it’s Anthilland then it seems like he’s going to take the audience away from Anthill. Anthill “You don’t get a euro of government money, you get everything.”

He concluded by saying that it was “reprehensible” from an ethical and moral standpoint, and focused on the fact that the contract was “without provisions for hearings”: “This is not typical for TVE traditions. If the programs are not watched, they have to be taken off the air.”

“As for Broncano, there are certainly not many precedents on TVE, and I have nothing against Mr. Broncano.”. If you are paid… as you say, if you are given a delicacy, then why would I refuse it. As for the managers and the terms of the contract, this is absolutely condemnable,” the oppositionist concluded.

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