Categories: Entertainment

Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, stars of the film “To the Moon”

Conquête spacee, coup de foudre, jeux de pouvoir… Film to the moon, where the film is set to release on July 10, 2024, it has been upgraded. Cerise-sur-le-gateau? The characters are embodied by the duo of attractive actors Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum.

Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, comedy stars

Debut in 1960, at the plenary war. Alors que les recherches scientíficos ne cesssent d’évoluer, les États-Unis se lancent dans la Of course, space to take the prime minister to the moon – and double the Soviet Union even further. In the political context, it became more active, new figures made their way into the shadows…

The image of a certain Kelly Jones, the incarnate marketer for the actress Scarlett Johansson – Brief description in superb countryside Prada for son Gallery, film at par Jonathan Glaser. Star acting in a comedy-realization Greg Berlanti title to the moon and etc. Previous theatrical release: July 10, 2024.

Upload an image POT In these times of worry and, of course, struggle against the whole world, this dernière se heurte aux reticences Cole DavisDirector of the Apollo 11 mission as interpreted by the actor Channing Tatum.

To the Moon, a film about NASA and love

Loin du suspense thriller, the film is a true comedy that goes behind the scenes of the adventure organized by NASA in 1969. Alunissage au cas où la Mission échouerait.

Among the costumes inspired sixtiesPouvoir games and seduction games, to the moon s’annonce dejà comme l’un des blockbusters de l’été – in particular, the grace of the two main characters, young guys, a very sexy duo was formed Scarlett Johansson and etc. Channing Tatumenters into a love relationship that adds new relief to this intrigue…

To the Moon (2024) by Greg Berlanti with Scarlett Johansson and Channing Tatum, in theaters July 10, 2024.

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