Categories: Entertainment

Scarlett Johansson’s voice outside her apartment?

Actress Scarlett Johansson accuses OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, of replicating her voice in her insu. Mais voix lui appartient-elle? The tendencies to answer the philosophers Jacques Derrida, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Jacques Ellul…

Commençons par petite Experience of thought: One fine day you refused the offer of the giants of “technology” and you want your voice to become the son of the new logic of artificial intelligence. Vous découvrez quelques mois après, que l’entreprise a quand même décidé de Copier Votre Voix, Outrepassant Votre Accord. Comble de l’ironie: you played in the film – Her (Spike Jonze, 2013) – who visits other people with the frustrations caused by having an artificial “voice”.

This story, which will be without any banality, was written for the instant cell of actress Scarlett Johansson. Celle-ci s’est dite “shock, color and disbelief” lorsqu’elle is a tracing vocal in the ChatGPT version. Cela doit en effet être une experience Plutôt Troublante que d’undertendre sa propre voix émettre des mots que l’on n’a not nouncés. Si le bad de l’actrice – et sans doute de toute autre personne faisant cette expérience – est si grand, c’est que nous estimons que notre voix est à nous : qu’elle nous appartient plus intime que toutes nos materialelles.

My body, my voice

It seems that notre voix nous est éminemment personle vient d’abord d’un phénomène purement corporel: on understanding the interior as an intermediary between the crane and the machine. Sela creates the impression of intimacy with soi-même, which Jacques Derrida appeal le “s’entendre-parler”. It is a faculty that gives us a feeling that is notre voix est consubstantielle à notre individuality la plus profonde. ” Mes paroles sont “vives” parce qu’elles semblent ne pas me quitter: ne pas tomber hors de moi, hors de mon souffle, dans un éloignement visible: ne pas cesser de m’appartenir, d’etre à ma disposition”, écrit le philosophe dans Voice and appearance (1967). If I decide on a voice like the one we have plus like one “Intimate life with elle-même” For Derrida, when talking about Scarlett Johansson’s necklace, don’t say it’s really “will” according to OpenAI. The actress’s experience is well known during her disqualification: sa voix, “tombie” appetizer, cessé de lui appartenir.

“In the air of a voice lies a world of fleeting impressions and feelings that are stolen by a talking cell phone.”

Open AI CEO Sam Altman, para Souligne qu’il voulait une Voix Comme Celle de Scarlett Johansson, Car elle “reform the race.” Ce choix montre que l’actrice est not seulement dépossédée son timbre, de sa tessiture, mais plus profondément des émotions qu’elle peut véhiculer plus my consciousness in conversation. Dance son Essay on the Origin of Languages (1781), Jean-Jacques Rousseau explain that la voix est toujours ce qui vient “du heart” et qui transmet – souvent inconsciemment – ​​everything is un cortège des desirs. Ce sont selon lui “passions” WHO “arrachèrent les premières voix.” Blanche, nasillarde, modulée, gotturale or haletante: notre voix dit plus bigment quelque chose de noreaffecte corporelle, de nore état physiological. It seems to imply the movement of the chest, and also that it prompts, it is important seulement à notre individuality, but rather notre corps, dans ce qu’il a de plus organicique. In volant une voix it is ce monde d’impressions fugaces et de sentiments enfouis que l’on dérobe à celui qui parle.

Phantoms vocals

Si une voix peut nous émouvoir, isolément de celui qui parle, c’est qu’elle mene une une en dehors de nous. When Scarlett Johansson plays in films, she loses some of the bulk of her voice in the design, which can be repeated ad infinitum. From this point of view, perhaps there is an assessment: que ma voix – que je voudrais mienne – m’échappe toujours un peu. From the moment I utter the phrase, mes sons, mes mots ne sont plus à moi. Ils font party du monde, ils impregnent l’espace sonore extérieur à moi. At this moment our voice has not yet become verrouillée, completely adequate. She is here to live for us, to live in peace. Today he is une offrande au reste du monde, observing the expression “donner de la voix”.

Sam Altman certifies for those who haven’t used Scarlett Johansson’s voice, as well as for several different actresses. This idea is to examine the pattern of unique, unrepeatable voice attributed to the defining individual. So, the voice is the result of a polyphonic assembly. Uniquely, he becomes a multi-faceted, fleeting entity that cannot share much more with a specific person. Celon Derrida, the voice of her mother, could choose the déjà, who chose the ghostly, the fantastic, in moderation, or she broke away from us when she manifested herself. This vocal phantom, which is a precursor to what he offers his son, is a prototype of films like Her, Which font will live for the independent voice of the body.

Announcement of Spike Jonze’s film “Her” (2013) with Scarlett Johansson, where she talks about artificial intelligence.

Le parlant et la parole

But all this is the difference between the “donner” of the voice and fair desires. When your voice is lost, you lose control of what you have. In addition, Scarlett Johansson’s voice could be a potential horror proferrer in ChatGPT, without the fact that cellular communication cannot and is fair, which is in this world.

“The conventional word is free to all winds, all changes, it has lost all pounds and all meaning. El deviant instrument. From here it can be manipulated, it cannot be used again and again.”Jacques Ellul

Artificial intelligence infiltrates the network between two separate entities who are philosophers. Jacques Ellul appeal “le parlan” etc. “la-parole” dance son essay Humiliation parole (1981). The speaker is a separate chair and those who are addressed to other people. The conditional word is a reverse, pure flow of words that unites “Anonymous Parole Without a Name” : une voix sans auteur, sans corps ni corde voicee, que personne ne peut vraiment faire sienne. This gap between parlant and parole may have consequences, comme le Souligne le philosophe: “From this moment parole is free to all winds, all changes, it has lost all its futility and all meaning. El deviant instrument. À de la, elle peut If you manipulate, she is not involved in anything. » Non-speaking parole carries risks of discretion over reporting discourses, as well as harms that are not accountable.

In the rhythm of this evolution, we sometimes talk about the pros and cons of “contractual agreements” and à écouter de moins en moins de “parlants”. On the other hand, that our world of sounds, the world of vocals that we surround, will become more and more fluffy. Ainsi peut-on comprendre la mise en garde Scarlett Johansson, affirmer « ku’a The era of our catfish with all the advantages of le deepfakes et la Protection de notre propre image, de notre own birth, from our own personality (…), these issues deserve absolute clarity.” He must learn to distinguish between the artificial words of the sons, the drums, the professions of the man in the chair and the singing that vibrate when the vocal strings and the laboring son of the soufflé. In Australia, perhaps for large enterprises like OpenAI, they realize that voice is not a forced sale.

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