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Senate approves law that orders national mourning on July 18 for the attack against AMIA

Senate approves law that declares national mourning on July 18 to pay tribute to victims of attack on AMIA

Amid tensions over the disappearance of baby López Pena in Corrientes, the upper house also returned to committee a project that would impose fines of up to 10 years for child molestation.

The law was passed with a vote of 51 senators (Senate communication)

With unanimous vote of 51 MLAs. The Senate approved this Thursday a law that declares July 18 of each year as a national day of mourning to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack on July 18, 1994, on the headquarters of the Argentine Israelite Association (AMIA). against the Argentine Republic.”

The Senate returned to committee a project to classify the sale of children as a crime

The project was promoted by Carolina Losada

The Senate approved a project promoted by the usually radical senator Carolina Losada, which modifies the penal code to classify the sale of goods to minors as a crime and punishable by five to 15 years in prison. In total, 63 votes were cast in favor.

Currently, Article 139 bis imposes penalties on a scale of three to 10 years for those who promote or intervene in the crimes included in the chapter related to crimes of suppression of identity or marital status. Carolina Losada’s initiative seeks to modify the current regulations, including a prison sentence of three to 10 years for “any person who receives and delivers any boy or girl, whether for a price, a promise of retribution or any other type of consideration.”

“The disappearance of even one child should generate enough empathy in us to think about every child who may disappear if we do not make laws on this issue. There are 1,701 more cases than this one that we also have to be compassionate towards. Do not use the disappearance of a child to gain political mileage, it is sad,” Losada said.

In any case, the measure will return to the Committee as a matter seeking amendment of the paragraph of Article 1 that generated the controversy. Among other things, it establishes: “Parents who hand over their child under the conditions set out in Article 139 bis shall be exempt from punishment when there is a state of vulnerability, ignorance or altered mental capacities, except in cases where the antecedents related to the articles included in this Chapter are mentioned.

Debate begins on the bill to modify the Penal Code linked to the debt Danilo Peña case

corresponds to the project The UCR’s senator for Santa Fe, Carolina Losadaand which relates toAbduction and/or commercialization of minors,

“This bill on the kidnapping and/or commercialization of minors is a demand of society and is owed to the State, since it is a crime that has not been classified,” said Juan Carlos Pagotto.

List of military promotions approved

Two chancellor promotions and reinstatement of a military officer to commission approved

Legislator Mayans asked for the return of Propositions 7 and 19 of Order 57/24 to the Commission, while Tagliaferri requested another from Order 42/24. These are Ortiz de Zarate, Carlos Gonzalo (DNI No. 18,118,382) and Plaza, Mariana Edith (DNI No. 24,785,001), at the request of the head of the Unión por la Patria block. While the PRO legislator requested the return of the document of the vice-commodore medical officer, Rubén Darío Algeri, which was challenged by the ATE before the Agreements Commission in 2022 due to complaints of harassment and abuse at work.

Documents from military and diplomats are analyzed

Senators debated the military promotion project, whose most important highlights include promoting the current chiefs of staff of the three armed forces to the next higher rank: Brigadier General Carlos Alberto Presti (Army), Rear Admiral Carlos María Allevi (Navy) and Brigadier Major Fernando Luis Mengo (Air Force).

Privilege issues started

Senator of the Union for the HomelandEugenia Duerre and Alicia Kirchner, from Tierra del Fuego and Santa Cruz, respectively, were asked to speak out, targeting the national government and President Javier Miley.Eliminating policies on women, gender and diversity,

for its part, Carlos Linares, Senator for Chubut from the Union por la Patria, He called for “permanent route reductions.”

Tributes proposed by senators began

José NaderFor Senator Santiago del Estero of the Union for the Homelandwas the first to ask for a word Honors former president General Juan Domingo Perón.

For his part, Antonio Rodas, Union por la Patria MLA for ChacoSo did Fabriciano Gómez, an Argentine sculptor born in Resistencia.

The debate on retirement mobility will be discussed in the next session

Results of the vote for the best retirement treatment today

He The retirement mobility project was approved by a simple majority to be treated with the opinion of the commission for the next session of the body,

The Union for the Homeland bloc voted against, not knowing the exact date of the next session.

On behalf of the UCR he denounced that “Kirchnerism prevented the increase of priority for retirees for the next session.”

He expressed, “The proposal for our location, which received the support of various groups, was hindered by the blocks outlined in Kirchnerism, which lacked any self-criticism, which blocked the request, halting progress with the much needed restructuring.”

In addition, he highlighted that “retirees need answers within a framework of fiscal sense and feasibility. The current system, broken and unjust, is the product of decades of populism and short-termism driven by people who tear their clothes off today for this and other reasons, but reject any initiative for change.”

“On behalf of our bloc we insist on accelerating the treatment of this issue, which concerns millions of Argentines and puts them in a scenario of uncertainty, in order to provide a concrete and lasting response. Neither joining hands with populism nor with a lack of empathy, we offer debate, serious work and reasonable proposals,” he concluded.

Eduardo Visci: “Introducing subjects is humiliating”

Senator from Corrientes of the UCR, Eduardo Viscaí, He came to the crossroads on the MLA’s request Jose Mayans, to discuss this day Project it Makes retirement improvements. “He says there are several projects, This is a special session, it is disrespectful to introduce topics in it..The obvious thing is that next session we will deal with it, with or without opinion,” Viskey said.

“I ask the union, the Homeland Bloc, to join us in that special meeting,” he said.

José Mayans: “The updating of retirees is an urgent remedy, I ask today to discuss it at a table”

“Yesterday we worked on this issue in the commission. He was admitted by the representatives on the 6th and received emergency treatment. We all know what it is about, it is simple, it is about updating retirees, it is an immediate treatment without any delay”, said José Mayans, Senator for Formosa from Unión por la Patria, at the beginning of the special session, regarding the treatment of retirement mobility.

In addition, he said: “Today the retirees’ basket is at 275,000 and with June’s inflation it will reach 300,000 pesos. the basic basket of retirees. If the issue is delayed, as the ruling party intends, it affects everyone because they will receive the increase in September.

“Either we pay them Rs 300,000 from now on or these people will not be able to survive. Let’s try now, let’s not delay. I ask to discuss this on the file table today” Mayans said.

Special session begins in the Senate

Special session in the Senate reached quorum

Bruno Oliveira Lucero: “It’s good that the Senate is starting to move forward”

Bruno Oliveira Lucero, senator from La Libertà Avanza

,A special session today. we’ve come from a long and complicated session, In which we discussed the Aadhaar law and finally it was approvedBut there are other issues worth noting. It’s good that the Senate is starting to move forward and other issues are starting to be discussed, such as today.“, They said Bruno Oliveira LuceroSenator from La Libertad Avanza, before a meeting in the upper house.

Victoria Villarruel will not be in session

Victoria Villarruel will be absent from this Thursday’s session (Credit: Photography Department – Senate of the Nation.)

Vice-president of the session and president of the Chamber of Senators, Victoria Villarruelwill not be a part of this Thursday’s session due to a flu condition. Bartolomé Abdalla, a legislator from Libertad Avanza, will replace him.

A sector of Peronism and the UCR insist on a single ballot treatment in the Senate

The project already has half approval in the House of Deputies, but it must be approved before November. Florencio Randazzo and Maximiliano Abad are the main promoters of the debate

This is the single ballot paper used in Mendoza

A sector of Peronism and the UCR demands that the project to implement the single paper ballot be discussed, an initiative that already has half the approval of the Chamber of Deputies and the opinion of a commission in the Senate. Once the base law is approved, the deputy Florencio Randazzo and the radical senator Maximiliano Abad They began to insist that the measure reach the House to become law.

What time will the session start?

The Senate will have a new session this Thursday (Credit: Photography Department – Senate of the Nation.)

A buzzer will start ringing in the hallway a few minutes before 11 a.m. Senate of the Nation which calls on legislators to come to the campus to begin A new session in the Upper House,

It is expected that there will be no problems of attendance or the usual ploy of waiting behind the scenes and that the quorum will be achieved quickly, as there is no hesitation in the agenda.

Retirement: the Senate begins the debate in committees and Kirchnerism will ask to discuss it in the Chamber tomorrow

To enable it in session, you will need two thirds. Part of the opposition that voted in the Dialogue Deputies will not support the move and will wait two weeks to hear the speakers.

Plenary sessions of the Labor and Social Security commissions; and Budget and Treasury begin analyzing a project to reform retirement (Senate Press)

A plenary session of Senate committees Discussion on the project to reform retirement begins this WednesdayApproved by the deputies a week ago: Kirchnerism announced this afternoon that it will ask for its permission at a table in tomorrow’s session, although a part of the “dialogue” opposition will not support the move. And you’ll have to wait two weeks to hear the speakers.

The Senate meets again to approve military promotions and a list of ambassadors

The session will begin at 11 a.m. today. The agenda also includes a project that seeks “four to ten years in prison for the person who receives and delivers the boy or girl” and a declaration of national mourning for the 30th anniversary of the attack on AMIA.

The Senate will meet again this Thursday to discuss military promotions and ambassadorial distinctions

A buzzer will start ringing in the hallway a few minutes before 11 a.m. Senate of the Nation which calls on legislators to come to the campus to begin A new session in the Upper House,

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