Sony removes without warning one of the most controversial features of Playstation boxes: the mention of 8K

From the very first moment, this caused controversy among players, and Sony seemed to give in to the complaints.

Halfway between a marketing strategy that can sell even the most intangible and outright misleading advertising, The 8K logo has always been present on PlayStation 5 boxes., since the launch of Sony’s console in November 2020. Now Sony has decided to remove it from their new boxes without warning. Of course, the fans noticed this.

John Linneman, a veteran of the technical analysis website Digital Foundry, issued the warning on his Twitter account and emphasizes that Sony should have done this years ago. He also adds that he doesn’t understand why it’s been around for so long when 8K “is not only unavailable on these machines (except the Tourist), but 8K displays are undesirable.”

He says the latter because, as another tweet explains, the maximum refresh rate of 8K is 60Hz, no content is created for these screens (so all content is scaled), and when viewed from a certain distance, the additional pixels are not distinguishable. In any case, as Linneman argues, Only one game has ever used 8K: The Touryst, a 2019 game. which passed without pain and glory and wasted the theoretical capabilities of 8K with a simple graphics type voxel.

Another reason for the disappearance of the 8K logo from boxes is that the upcoming PS5 Pro is rumored to support 8K resolution. This could be achieved using PSSR technology, which is capable of rescaling resolution and increasing frame rates per second. What seems more or less clear is that, despite initial promises, the original PS5 will remain halfway to the desired 8K resolution.

In Hatak | PlayStation 5 sales are slowing, and they’re facing an unpleasant truth: It won’t sell as much as the PS4.

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