Spanish team: Pedro Rocha with MARCA in Cologne Cathedral: “We will win!”

lTo Colonial Cathedral This is the most visited monument in Germany. Gothic pearl, construction of which began this year 1248but it was not completed until 1880. 157.38 meters Its height made it the tallest building in the world for four years until the Washington Monument took that distinction away from it.

This is great, you always have to think about accompanying the team.

Pedro Rocha, President of RFEF

This morning, taking advantage of the hours before the game, There were many Spanish and Georgian fans who wanted to attend.. Among them was Pedro Rochawho visited the historic building at around 1:00 p.m. and posed for MARCA inside.

Pedro Rocha poses for MARCA at Cologne Cathedral.

“I really liked the cathedral,” explained the RFEF President. Regarding the match, Rocha insists that he is “very excited” because “We have a great team and we are going to win”.

A magnificent atmosphere at the doors of Cologne Cathedral

At the doors of the cathedral, dozens of Spanish and Georgian fans enjoyed a preview of the match while singing, which the president was able to enjoy firsthand. “That’s great, you always have to think about accompanying the team.”. Our fate will be the same as that of all Spaniards,” he concluded.

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