basque country

The EH Bildu brand wins a seat in the French National Assembly for the first time in its history

The EH Bildu coalition, which uses the EH Bai brand in Iparralde, has won a seat in the French National…

11 hours ago

The EH Bildu brand wins in one constituency and goes to the second round of the legislative election in France

EH Bai, the brand used by EH Bildu in Iparralde, which also brings together the traditional nationalist left, EA and…

1 week ago

Counseling and Cofna expand HIV detection program to 50 pharmacies in Navarra

The Department of Health of the Government of Navarra and the Official College of Pharmacists of the Foral Community (Cofna)…

2 months ago

Erzaintza defends Maccabi in Vitoria in the face of protests against Israel over 27,000 deaths in Palestine

This Wednesday at 17:15, outside the central hotel in Vitoria, Ertzaintza pulled out two vans - and a third was…

5 months ago

Madrid beat Macabbi after a high-scoring game (106-101) | Basketball | Kinds of sports

Real Madrid beat Maccabi 106-101 in a high-scoring festival but gave too many opportunities to an Israeli team that at…

5 months ago

The incidence of cancer in the Basque Country is declining, although it is still the leading cause of death.

Even though he cancer remains the leading cause of death in Euskadi —27.7% of Basques die from this disease—, Morbidity…

5 months ago

Barcelona loses to Milan (74-70) and Valencia attacks Baskonia (77-62) | Basketball | Kinds of sports

The only thing Barcelona could make clear from the first half of the match in Milan was that fashion changes,…

5 months ago

Obesity: Drug treatment only works with lifestyle changes

In the current obesity-promoting environment, obesity prevention requires "a population-based and community-based approach with policies that facilitate access to healthy…

6 months ago

Joaquin Gonzalez gives way to Jose Manuel Ferreño

Gonzalez is celebrating 38 years as the group's senior manager for food distribution and passes the torch to Ferreño, who…

6 months ago

The federation released the VAR audio after the dispute between Real and Almeria: “Vinicius hits him on the shoulder”

Hernandez Maeso explains to the Almeria players the reasons behind Vinicius' goal (REUTERS). The two great heroes of the Real…

6 months ago