
Sergio Llull, the “cold-blooded” man who managed to crown the history of the Euroleague with threes | Relief

"The guy chosen for many things." "Decisive Player" "Unusual". "The composure to throw hot balls." And, in short, "one of…

1 week ago

Blood test detects multiple sclerosis years before it develops

Multiple sclerosis (MS) can be detected in people's blood years before symptoms appear. Scientists at the University of California, San…

2 weeks ago

A fruit that surpasses oranges in vitamin C content and strengthens the immune system.

Orange juice is always used as a source of vitamin C, and it is true that it is found in…

2 weeks ago

Hitmen in Cadiz: hashish, pain and blood

Few things are more reprehensible than blood. Maybe a bullet was fired from a gun. For this reason when on…

2 months ago

They are developing a blood test to more reliably diagnose fibromyalgia.

They are developing a blood test to more reliably diagnose fibromyalgia.E.P. A research team from the University of Rovira e…

2 months ago

Blood test can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with 95% accuracy

A blood analysis allows you to make a diagnosis Alzheimer's disease with an accuracy of about 95%, according to the…

3 months ago

“The development of tests and treatments has accelerated.”

The only request that Dr. Daniel Alcolea makes during the interview that follows is to express his gratitude to the…

3 months ago