
I’m a Heart Surgeon and This Food Has More Fiber Than the Kiwi I Eat Every Day: Spain Ignores It

Feeling fatigue or fatigue Today it is one of the most common symptoms seen in primary care settings and has…

1 day ago

Innovative therapy combining oncology and cardiology in Spain improves patient survival

More than half of deaths in Spain are due to cancer or from cardiovascular diseasesThis is evidenced by data from…

4 days ago

Pioneering therapy combining oncology and cardiology in Spain improves patient survival

More than half of deaths in Spain are due to cancer or from cardiovascular diseasesThis is evidenced by data from…

5 days ago

The disorder can kill you, especially if you are a woman | Health and wellness

Disgust can be deadly. Although rare, cardiologists identify cases of heart attack caused by bad news or a traumatic event,…

1 month ago

Heart Failure: Causes and Symptoms of a Common Disease As Deadly as Some Cancers

" heart failure This is a serious condition that occurs when the heart cannot pump blood properly. and therefore, it…

2 months ago

How gender affects health: living longer, but in worse health | Health and wellness

Sex and gender shape health: Being male or female interacts with other variables, such as race, socioeconomic status, age, or…

2 months ago

Women with heart disease take fewer cholesterol-lowering medications than men

A Swedish study shows that three years after diagnosis, only 54% of women had received it, compared to 74% of…

2 months ago

Cardiac adnexal closure, an alternative to anticoagulants

An alternative intervention to the use of anticoagulants prescribed for atrial fibrillation is closure of the cardiac appendage. A non-invasive…

5 months ago

Why should you eat a tomato a day? Scientifically proven reason

He tomato This is one of the most important vegetables. Mediterranean diet. It is widely consumed during the hottest months…

5 months ago

Can mopping the floors, dusting and scrubbing the bathroom be good for your heart?

Vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom or wiping away dust. whole house tasks that tend to be very lazy, and we tend…

5 months ago