
“There’s nothing more to talk about” | Relay

Vicente del Bosque has come a long way. On the podcast Offsiders He discussed many topics, among which were his…

3 weeks ago

Netanyahu vows to attack Rafah ‘with or without deal’ as talks continue with Hamas

Tel Aviv - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday pledged to crack down on a raid on the southern…

2 months ago

“I don’t believe in a strict economy”: Xavier Miley defends his plan in the Lao Forum and the red circle gives him his support

The President greeted some prominent business leaders of the countryfrom bariloche , full circle of ceo Llao Llao ForumSome people…

2 months ago

The conversation revealed Soto Grado admits he should have expelled Rodrigo for slapping: “It’s a very clean red” | Relief

Cameras Super 8program DAZN, captured an interesting exchange between Soto Grado and Real Madrid players during a match against Las…

5 months ago