
Emirates TAQA breaks off talks with Criteria Caixa over Naturgy takeover bid

The likelihood of a takeover bid for Naturgy materializing, resulting in Taqa, an energy company based in the United Arab…

4 weeks ago

CriteriaCaixa buys 9.4% of ACS shares for 983 million euros, and Fane will join the board of directors

CriteriaCaixa, the industrial division of the La Caixa Banking Foundation, became a shareholder of ACS after buy 9.4% of the…

1 month ago

Naturgy shares rose 3.4% on the stock market after CriteriaCaixa’s negotiations with the investor

VALENCIA (EP). Actions Naturgy On Tuesday they rose almost 3.4% on the stock market after confirmation Caixa criteria it is…

3 months ago