
The EH Bildu brand wins a seat in the French National Assembly for the first time in its history

The EH Bildu coalition, which uses the EH Bai brand in Iparralde, has won a seat in the French National…

11 hours ago

The EH Bildu brand wins in one constituency and goes to the second round of the legislative election in France

EH Bai, the brand used by EH Bildu in Iparralde, which also brings together the traditional nationalist left, EA and…

1 week ago

Mexico’s largest city on the US border fears crisis over asylum ban

Tijuana, Mexico, June 5 (EFE) - Tijuana, the largest city on Mexico's northern border, fears it could become the epicenter…

1 month ago

Freedom for nine accused in the Pylos shipwreck in Greece, which killed about 650 people

Nine accused in the accident of the Adriana fishing boat, which took the lives of about 650 people in the…

2 months ago

¿Una “cortina de humo” para invadir Rafah? El muelle flotante que EEUU construye en Gaza puede ayudar a Israel

En las próximas dos semanas Estados Unidos terminará la construcción de un gigantesco muelle flotante en el Mediterráneo oriental que…

2 months ago

La masacre continúa en estos momentos

Un periodista incansable, comprometido con la paz y la justicia. Una investigación periodística valiente que puso en evidencia la versión…

5 months ago

“Bukele sells war to gangs without caring about capturing innocents”

A leader who wages an all-out war against gangs. A population that feels relieved by the reduction in violence and…

5 months ago

Erzaintza defends Maccabi in Vitoria in the face of protests against Israel over 27,000 deaths in Palestine

This Wednesday at 17:15, outside the central hotel in Vitoria, Ertzaintza pulled out two vans - and a third was…

5 months ago