
Orban promotes the creation of a new group in the European Parliament with far-right parties from Austria and the Czech Republic

The leaders of the three big populist and nationalist parties in Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic, led by the…

5 hours ago

In France the far right has risen to 37% in voting intentions and the left remains in second place

The French extreme right, which presents itself under the names National Rally (RN) and Jordan Berdella As head of the…

2 days ago

Fierce debate and far-right anti-immigrant proposals ahead of first round of French legislative elections

Just a few days before the first round of the legislative elections, the first television debate in the brief electoral…

4 days ago

Fierce debate and far-right anti-immigrant proposals ahead of first round of French legislative elections

Just a few days before the first round of the legislative elections, the first television debate in the brief electoral…

5 days ago

Over 1,000 people died in Mecca pilgrimage due to extreme heat

More than 1,000 people have died this year in the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the five pillars of Islam,…

1 week ago

A PP senator wonders if history “told us something wrong” by describing the Nazis as “extremely correct”

"How did a National Socialist party end up being classified as "extreme right"?" This question was asked by PP senator…

3 weeks ago

Europe is voting at a crossroads, with the risk of certainly empowering the far right

A Europe that is moving increasingly to the right. This will be one of the great conclusions of this election…

3 weeks ago

German far-right politician injured in another knife attack in Mannheim

A candidate for the municipal elections of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) was injured on Tuesday night when he…

4 weeks ago

Former European Commission president rebels against the European People’s Party’s shift to the far right

The former president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, issues a warning to his party, the European People's Party (EPP),…

1 month ago

Le Pen calls on Meloni to create a ‘supergroup’ of the far right in the European Parliament

Marine Le Pen courts Giorgia Meloni. The French far-right leader is trying to project an image of greater moderation ahead…

1 month ago