
Alphafold: Artificial intelligence predicts interactions between all molecules of life | The science

Demis Hassabis, the London-raised son of a Greek Cypriot and a Singaporean, is a chess prodigy. He started playing at…

2 months ago

Spanish scientists have discovered a new genetic form of Alzheimer’s disease

Almost everyone who has two copies of a particular genetic variant APOE4 gene (apolipoprotein E4) increases the risk of developing…

2 months ago

Coral Sanfeliu, aging researcher: “Sitting for eight hours a day affects brain connections” | Health and wellness

Coral Sanfeliu (Sabadell, 69) heads the Neurodegeneration and Aging Group at the Barcelona Institute of Biomedical Research, CSIC. During his…

2 months ago

Genetic cause of most common brain malformation discovered | The science

After nearly a decade of work and an almost detective-like search for cases around the world, an international consortium of…

2 months ago

A global genetic alert system is key to preventing the next pandemic.

Optimization of WGS (Whole Genome Sequencing) technology This could be key to preventing the next pandemic. This is according to…

2 months ago

DNA: a revolution in the service of pharmacology

World DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) Day is celebrated annually on April 25, which coincides with the date when the article “Molecular…

2 months ago

Experiment on flies casts doubt on decades-old theory about the origin of cancer | Health and wellness

More than forty years ago, it was discovered that cancer arises from the accumulation of persistent genetic mutations within normal…

2 months ago

Million-dollar project against familial cancer wants to rescue thousands from ‘genetic purgatory’ | Health and wellness

“Fear is not the right word to describe what I feel,” explains Carlos Rospide, “but there is anxiety. You're always…

5 months ago

Cancer Alicante | Rare tumors with worst survival rate now account for one in five

Rare tumors with worst survival rate now account for one in fiveAxel AlvarezNeuroblastomaa disease in which cancer cells form in…

5 months ago

8% of your genome is a virus, and some of it may be the key to your existence.

The human genome has some kind of virus in your DNA, as if it were a fossil from a past…

5 months ago