
The Earth’s magnetic field is at least 3.7 billion years old.

In southwest Greenland, amid vast expanses of ancient ice, lies the famous Isua Belt of Green Cliffs, the oldest and…

3 weeks ago

Earth’s protective sky is at least 3.7 billion years old | The science

In the southwest of Greenland, surrounded by ancient ice, lies the belt of green cliffs of Isua. It is the…

3 weeks ago

Experts suggest that the Pacific tectonic plate will be destroyed by suboceanic faults.

According to a study conducted by scientists from the University of Toronto, The Western Pacific tectonic plate will tear apart.which…

3 months ago

height one meter and weight 7 kilograms

01/15/2024 Act at 08:31 CET New Zealand kakapoStrigops habroptilus) Currently largest parrot in the world, endangered. It can reach a…

4 months ago