Giorgia Meloni

Italian left punishes Meloni in municipal elections

The European elections didn't go very well for the Italian center-left, but now Transalpine Progressive They finally have some oxygen.…

1 week ago

Leonardo Donà: Attack on deputy reflects growing tensions in Italian politics | International

The sequence of the last brawl between MPs in the middle of the House leaves no one indifferent. A routine…

3 weeks ago

Meloni wins in Italy and wants to be the voice of the far right in the EU | European elections 2024 | News

Giorgio Meloni has won the European elections in Italy. The prime minister's party, Brothers of Italy, has 28.8% of the…

3 weeks ago

Meloni wins in Italy and wants to be the voice of the far right in the EU | European elections 2024 | News

Giorgia Meloni has won the European election in Italy, according to exit polls and first estimates. This is the only…

3 weeks ago

Europa mide la altura de la ola ultra | Elecciones europeas 2024 | Noticias

Los anglosajones llaman news analysis al artefacto periodístico que el lector tiene entre las manos. Consiste en plantarse en Bruselas…

3 weeks ago

The three women on whom the future of the EU depends

Three powerful women are risking their political future (and that of the EU) in the elections that take place this…

3 weeks ago

La ultraderecha se reorganiza para devorar a los populares en Europa | Elecciones europeas 2024

El cordón sanitario, los diques que aislaban de los procesos de toma de decisión a los partidos de ultraderecha, eurófobos…

1 month ago

European social democrats warned von der Leyen that they would invalidate her coalition if she struck a deal with the extremists. European elections news

European social democrats warned German conservative Ursula von der Leyen: if she compromises with the extreme right after the European…

2 months ago