HD Television

Netflix is ​​thinking about a free-to-play version, and it could change the market forever | Smart TV | Smartlife

Netflix It never stops experimenting with different types of access to its platform. And apparently, he has an idea that…

6 days ago

Netflix is ​​preparing changes: the home page on TVs will change | Smart TV | Smartlife

User interface plays a key role in apps to attract and retain users. Netflixone of the undisputed leaders in this…

3 weeks ago

Advertising on Amazon Prime Video will become much more intrusive | Smart TV | Smartlife

In early April, Amazon announced advertising was coming to its on-demand content platform. Yeah, advertising on Amazon Prime Video is…

2 months ago

CES 2024: Transparent screens on which you can make purchases? This will be the television of the future | Technologies

Wireless TVs that mount to the wall roll up for storage and remain out of sight or rotate to stand…

6 months ago