
Refereeing bosses secretly admit that Betis, Cadiz, Almeria and Granada suffered from offside errors | Relief

VAR decisions caused a lot of controversy last season.. While the previous campaign did have its share of confusion, the…

3 days ago

A child was killed and three people were injured while handling explosives stolen from a restricted military area

Croatian police have arrested a 46-year-old man of Czech nationality after he and his family stole an explosive device from…

7 days ago

A man attacked a hospital in China with two knives

Digital Editorial News Telecinco 05/07/2024 11:53 am A man attacked a hospital in China with two knivesAt the beginning of…

2 months ago

Four injured in attack on church

Digital Editorial News Telecinco,EFE Agency 04/15/2024 1:09 pm New incident of stabbing in SydneyA Priest and many more People they…

3 months ago

An MSF doctor: “What’s happening in Gaza is a humanitarian emergency like I’ve never seen before” future planet

Mariam (fictitious name) is 11 years old and her life has changed forever. The girl lost both legs in a…

5 months ago

A gunman injured three people

Digital Editorial News TelecincoAn armed man injured three people at Lyon station in Paris 02/03/2024 At 09:25. Lyon station A…

5 months ago