Javier Miley

Miley, Sturzenegger with new trip and delayed landing | XCentral continues to remove the leaves from the daisies

Between volumes of changes in the cabinet - which for now, as they say in the Casa Rosada, seem to…

2 weeks ago

No reason to reactivate | Government celebrates its best week yet finds no answers to recession

Senate approval of the Basic Law, a one-year extension of the currency exchange with China worth the equivalent of $5…

3 weeks ago

Miley’s family received $33 million in state subsidies during Kirchnerism

Argentine President Javier Miley, who hates state interventionism, generously fed his family and himself. The transport companies of which his…

4 weeks ago

Guillermo Francos, a seasoned politician in the middle of Miley’s war against “caste”

The most senior member of Javier Mieli's cabinet, Guillermo Franco (Puerto General Belgrano, 74 years old), now president of Argentina,…

1 month ago

Miley wants to reaffirm his mandate with a politician in talks to head his cabinet of ministers

Argentina's president changes 'silent' Nicolás Posse to Guillermo Franco, making profile more open to dialogueHe Dumb This was Nicolas Posse,…

1 month ago

Nicolas Posse: After less than six months in government, Miley has expressed anger against his key ministers for “differences in standards”

With one foot boarding the plane that will take him to the United States for the fourth time in just…

1 month ago

From Miley to Córdoba without law and without founding treaty | The President will lead an institutional event on May 25

Without a governor, without a Base Law and without a May Pact, Javier Mieli will star in the event to…

1 month ago

A big dad to “welcome” Miley | Córdoba prepares to welcome the president

"I have come to celebrate the National Day with President Javier Miley," the Presidency Office announced through its social networks.…

1 month ago

Latest political news, live | Fizeau talks about pact with Meloni in European Parliament: “I don’t find it comparable to other far-right parties” | Spain

ERC candidate for 9-J Riba: "If Puigdemont agrees to his presidency with the PSC, we will not block it"The ARA…

1 month ago

These are TIME Magazine’s 2024 Most Influential Latinos in the World.

(CNN, Spanish) -- Time magazine published this Wednesday its ranking of the 100 most influential people in the world in…

3 months ago