
Movie Quiz: If you have good memories, your fair is 9/9! – Actus Sine

Two days after the release of Michel Franco's "Memento", which marks the return of Jessica Chastain to the big screen,…

4 days ago

Are you ready for the finale of this thriller starring Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain! – Actus Sine

Benoit Delhomme, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain's Mother Instinct echoes the most surprising and unexpected thriller. Available on Prime Video.…

3 weeks ago

Is Memory with Jessica Chastain a good movie? What did I think of the first viewers? – Actus Sine

"Memento", the new film by Michel Franco (based on "Lucia", "Les Girls of Avril") is now in cinemas. What did…

1 month ago