
Thousands of French people protested in Paris against Le Pen’s far-right forces, chanting “Resistance” and “They will not pass”.

Four days before the second round of legislative elections in France, the iconic Place de la République in Paris has…

22 hours ago

The left-wing Popular Front and Macronists unite to stop Le Pen in more than 200 constituencies in France

After nearly 48 hours of confusion, negotiations and pressure on candidates, the presidential coalition and the progressive parties have managed…

2 days ago

Miles enacted his first law to destroy the Argentine state

Persistent fog mixed with the weather outside the Argentine Congress while senators debated the Bases Law, which proposes to change…

3 weeks ago

French right-wing splits over choice of arm-wagging with Le Pen

On the square of the Bourbon Palace, in front of the French National Assembly, Eric Ciotti speaks to the media…

3 weeks ago

Why does Macron leap into the void with early elections in France?

The political chessboard is shaking in France. The first results of the European elections confirmed what had been predicted for…

3 weeks ago

Le Pen calls on Meloni to create a ‘supergroup’ of the far right in the European Parliament

Marine Le Pen courts Giorgia Meloni. The French far-right leader is trying to project an image of greater moderation ahead…

1 month ago