Military attacks

Russia bans its citizens from Internet access to 81 European media | International

The Russian government has banned Internet access to 81 European media, including the Spanish EL PAÍS, Efe agency, RTVE and.…

1 week ago

The war in Ukraine and Gaza has increased the risk of use of nuclear weapons in the world | International

A little over two years ago, in January 2022, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Russia and China agreed…

3 weeks ago

Georgia challenges EU once again by promoting Russian-inspired legislation against LGBTI community International

The authorities of EU candidate country Georgia have introduced a bill to veto gay marriage, sex change operations and all…

1 month ago

The EU has warned Georgia it will block annexation if it does not withdraw controversial Russian-inspired law International

The Foreign Influence Transparency Law, a rule the Kremlin has used in recent years to suppress all opposition in Russia,…

2 months ago

Putin dismissed Shoigu from the post of Russian Defense Minister. international

Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (Chadan, USSR, 68 years old), the man most responsible for…

2 months ago

European social democrats warned von der Leyen that they would invalidate her coalition if she struck a deal with the extremists. European elections news

European social democrats warned German conservative Ursula von der Leyen: if she compromises with the extreme right after the European…

2 months ago

Russia learns from military mistakes in Ukraine and improves its military international

The Russian army is developing at a rapid pace. 2022 is far away, the first year of the war, when…

2 months ago

Spain will supply a batch of Patriot missiles to Ukraine. international

Spain has agreed to supply Patriot missiles to Ukraine despite pressure from NATO and the EU, with the aim of…

2 months ago