online( t)ps4

History repeats itself: Mother 3 is coming to Nintendo Switch, but only in Japan

As usually happens every time NintendoDirectThe Japanese broadcast of the event contained different announcements compared to what we saw in…

3 months ago

History repeats itself: Mother 3 is coming to Nintendo Switch, but only in Japan

As usually happens every time NintendoDirectThe Japanese broadcast of the event contained different announcements compared to what we saw in…

3 months ago

According to several sources, Microsoft is preparing to release its excellent exclusive game Starfield on PlayStation 5.

For several weeks now Rumors about Microsoft's plans are growing. release some of their games that have so far been…

4 months ago

Team GO Rocket returns to Pokémon GO in January with a new Dark Legend and a host of new features.

At the end of January this month Pokemon GO will bring all the players of the world a new event…

4 months ago