
Earth’s protective sky is at least 3.7 billion years old | The science

In the southwest of Greenland, surrounded by ancient ice, lies the belt of green cliffs of Isua. It is the…

3 weeks ago

An underground ocean discovered on Saturn’s moon Mimas | The science

Mars is the planet that aliens identify with, but there are other nearby worlds in the solar system where life…

3 months ago

How does a star collapse? | Cosmic Void

The bright and hot star Wolf-Rayet 124, a prelude to a supernova, is captured by the James Webb Telescope.Space Telescope…

4 months ago

NASA’s X-59 supersonic jet will fly over cities to prove its quietness | The science

The dream of commercial supersonic flights becoming as common in the future as charter flights to the beach today took…

4 months ago