
Chimpanzees take antibiotics on their own | The science

A few weeks ago, it was reported that an orangutan was applying a medicinal plant poultice to a disfiguring wound…

2 weeks ago

Antimalarial compound opens path to treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome | Health and wellness

Artemis was, according to Greek mythology, the deity of hunting, childbirth and virginity, the protector of childbirth and fertility. Depicted…

3 weeks ago

The largest genome on the planet was discovered in a small fern | The science

The Tree of Life has it all. The fern, which may not seem like a very complex organism, turns out…

4 weeks ago

How to relieve pain from bites? | Lifestyle | Showcase

Insect bites are very common, especially during the spring and summer months. Being more vulnerable when wearing swimsuits, shorts or…

1 month ago

Do not pour water out of eggs after boiling them; you can do this with plants once a week.

eggs It is an incredibly versatile and nutritious staple that is essential to many cuisines around the world. They are…

2 months ago

A very common plant in your kitchen that relieves breathing problems and more during these cold days.

There are a few floors medicinal and widely used in the kitchen, with hundreds of properties. In fact, if you…

2 months ago

Study Reveals Mechanism By Which They Detect Light Sources

Plants are able to differentiate between the different amounts of light they receive and how their cells respond to it.…

6 months ago